Apr 21, 2009 16:42

So, this post is staying public so it can be shared by everyone.

Today (well, technically yesterday) was Libby's 24th bday. So, really, pop on over to cimplybe and wish her a good one. But, since today was her bday, there was socializing and going out to be had, so that's what we did. But, we should start with last night...

So Sunday night, I get down here and we immediately set into a Gilmore Girls marathon. At first, we watched some eps of the 6th season, but since I worked nights during it's run, I had never been truly acquainted with it. We started over on the 1st season and, because of the funny, we ended up staying up til 430 am. That's late even for me. I spent the last couple of hours teasing her about how she was SO not going to class. So we collapse, she into bed and me into couch and Penny into crate.

I got up late, close to noon. Libby stayed asleep until 130. What lazy asses we are.

This afternoon was filled with cooking (Libby baked a cake) and discussion of what we wanted to do. What we decided on was this:
1- Bring Sam From The Corner Store a piece of birthday cake. Because we'd promised.
2- Foodz.
3- Moviez. Preferably The Watchmen, but if that was unavailable, Monsters Vs Aliens.
4- Troubadour.

That schedule would have had us at the Troubadour at 9pm, giving us 3 hours of partying and her 3 hours of drinking. It seemed like a good plan. How sad it is that the plan had to be altered. Mostly because we were lazy.

So Libby showered and we got dressed. Somewhere along the line, it was decided that we'd bring Sam From The Corner Store a piece of Libby's birthday cake, so that was the first order of business. While there, I bought batteries for the Rock Band guitar, as it had been left on for... oh... four months. It was time. While talking to Sam, Libby saw The Vodka. Not just regular vodka, oh no. This was special vodka. It was PINK LEMONADE FLAVORED. Now, I'm not a drinker, but I'm pretty sure that pink lemonade and vodka are NOT supposed to mix. Being a friendly guy, Sam gave Libby a bottle of it (I use bottle euphemistically. It was one of those tiny bottles, like the ones you get on airplanes.) and we take off.

Then it was to Chinda, a little Thai place, for dinner. I had the Masaman (yum, peanuts) and Libby had the Rad Naa. Then to the movies! The original idea was to go to the 7pm showing in Burbank, but we didn't leave to go see Sam until 7, so that plan went right out the window. We ended up going to an 8pm at the Americana.

Let me tell you. The Americana theater looks more like a Vegas hotel lobby than a movie theater. Of course, I could just be used to the Cinemark in Lancaster, but still.

So we go and see Monsters vs Aliens. OMG SO. CUTE. Susan and Insectosaurus and Link and Dr, Cockroach and Bob... adorable. Go see it. We were the only people in the theater, so Libby drank her PINK LEMONADE FLAVORED VODKA and we talked very, very loudly the whole time. We even mocked the dicks who sat behind us at Twilight, which was fun. "OMG YOU'RE RUINING THE MOVIE FOR EVERYONE1!11!!"

So, after the movie, it was still relatively early, about 10pm, so we head on out to Hollywood. Saint Motel was playing at the Troubadour and tickets were only $7, so that's not a bad deal. I'd never heard them before, and they weren't bad. Very catchy. Libby, however, wanted to party so she immediately got her drink on. The PINK LEMONADE FLAVORED VODKA gave her a little buzz. Her Jack and Coke gave her a slightly larger buzz. The Sex on the Beach, though... That one gave her a case of the holy fuck crazies.

Now. For those of you who do not know Libby, she is by nature a friendly person. Very outgoing and approachable and chatty. She's fun. However, when she's drunk you can take that personality and multiply it by about 100. Here's our time at the Troubadour in list format:

  • walking from the parking lot across the street, we make friends with Random Girl.
    • Discuss Hugh Jackman's hairiness-to-sexiness ratio
  • Libby makes friends with Crutches Guy.
    • Libby takes a picture with him.
    • Libby steals his kaleidoscope glasses
  • Saint Motel's set ends. We go upstairs.
  • Libby finishes her Jack and Coke and goes downstairs for another.
    • By goes, I mean she stumbles very slightly, all while insisting she's not drunk.
      • She's drunk.
  • She comes back after a disturbing amount of time and proceeds to try to convince me to taste her drink.
    • When I won't, she puts her fruit on me.
  • Libby tries to tell me she's not drunk and can walk a straight line.
    • She stumbles and walks into the railing.
  • The next band comes on.
    • They kind of suck.
  • We go back downstairs and into the bar.

So, we go into the bar and she proceeds to make friends with Saint Motel's merch girl. Very nice girl. Named Lauren. She convinces a random guy to take our picture in the Wizard of Oz cardboard cut out that Saint Motel brought and then molests some dude's head. That was an interesting exchange.

Libby: Lookit that guy's hair. I want to touch it.
Me: I'm pretty sure he doesn't want you to touch his head.
Libby: How do you know?
Me: I'm just smart that way.
Libby: *to the guy* HEY! YOU! CAN I TOUCH YOUR HEAD?
Fro Guy: Uh... Sure. *leans in so she can touch his hair*
Libby: *scrunches his hair* Wow...
Fro Guy: Was it everything you hoped it would be?
Libby: It was amazing.

Then she proceeded to make friends with David The Not-Very-Good DJ With Short Fingers. She seriously held his hand for like five minutes and he kept looking at me like I was supposed to somehow save him while she rambled about liking his name. That's about the time I started suggesting we go home. It was 11:30ish and she was getting steadily more belligerent, yet remaining friendly all at the same time. On the way out the door, she hugged ever. single. security. guard. we. passed. I'm not kidding. She hugged the tall guy at the door. She hugged the fat guy at the door, who encouraged her to hug the skinny guy at the door AND a random patron talking to the skinny guy at the door. She stopped a random girl having a smoke and complimented her on her earrings. She stopped an obviously talking couple and told the girl she was beautiful and the guy he was handsome and then told the guy that he was lucky and the girl that she better not let the guy mistreat her.

So it takes me about 10 minutes, but I get her out the door and away from other people. To do this, I have to clamp my hand around her wrist and drag her away and hold her in place because she wants to say hi to EVERYONE. Luckily, though, she wasn't too drunk to be Libby The Drunken Navigator and we got home safely, even though she berated me the whole time because I didn't let her get her "FULL MEASURE OF DRUNKENNESS" out of her drinks.

When we got home, it was about 1230. Libby had been awake less than 12 hours, but she passed out anyways. And that was after rambling for 15 minutes about how it isnt drunk people who can't walk, it's the world that's spinning. I peeked in on her before bed and asked if she wanted anything to drink, like water, and had to do a double take.

Me: Dude, did you just get undressed and crawl into bed naked?
Libby: *cackles* Yeah.
Me: Okay, I'm closing the door then.

So that is the story of Libby's birfday.



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