Nov 16, 2008 21:24

So. I'm over at Libby's for the day because the fires in Sylmar totally cockblocked me. She, knowing I was probably going to be down here today, graciously saved her laundry so that, when I came down, we would have a reason to be in The Man's particular little area (the laundromat she uses is literally around the corner from his house). So we watch some Scrubs, the new Indy, and Surf's Up, then we pop in Surf Ninjas because, let's face it, that movie is fucking AWESOME. Around 8ish, we decide that it's time to do the laundry/take a walk/be total IDIOTS, so off we go.

After throwing the laundry in the wash, we head down to the corner store for drinks because we're the thirsty type, and she starts making conversation with Mr. Middle Aged Leather Guy. He looked a little shifty to me, but she's friendly, so she asked him about the boo-boo on his cheek. I, personally, think it was probably from an old lady ass-kicking, but he said he fell, so who am I to argue?

So, we're leaving the corner store and heading across the street to begin the walk. I, being an unfriendly Californian, am heckling and mocking friendly Texan Libby on said friendliness. I mean, come on. I don't ask random Leather Coat Guys about the random cut on their cheeks. I note it an move on. But, in heckling her, I brought up the laundry trip from last weekend, and how she surprise Ninja hugged the dude in the red shirt. Just at that moment, in the dark area across the street, we notice a tallish, young dude walking toward the store. He was wearing a baseball cap of some sort. Me, being a fucking genius, I say to her, "Well, there's a dude in a hat. You gonna go hug him?"

People, let me tell you this. Absolutely, under no circumstance are you to challenge Libby. I'm as serious as cancer about this. Just say NO.

Libby took me up on my challenge. She had this Crazy Patrick Swayze look in her eyes as she said to me, "You think I won't?! You think I won't do it?! Watch me!" And she takes off, running back down the street to accost this poor random dude. I was laughing, hard and loud and I snorted more than a little, so she didn't hear me saying, "Nonononononono! Don't do it!" But when I saw she was going for broke, I tried to warn Mr. Random Hat Guy by yelling out "Watch it! She's crazy!" At that point, she'd made it up to the poor dude and stopped suddenly. I fell down I was laughing so hard, so I didn't see/hear what came next.

When I stood up again, she was still over there, talking to the guy, so I start heading back in that direction. This poor dude, he was seriously keeping a good 5 feet between him and her and he was slowly heading toward the store, so she backed away and headed toward me.

This is the conversation that followed, in brief. Well, this is what I can remember of it, anyways. It was 2 hours ago. Whatev.
Libby: Oh my God, it was him!
Stace: *obv slow* It was who?
Libby: HIM!
Stace: It was *enter The Man's name here*?
Libby: YES!

So yes. Libby finally gets to meet him, and she nearly attacks him and he, afterward, treats her like the crazy woman she is. And I am so fucking amused by that, I cannot stress how amused I am.

This is, according to Libby, the conversation that they had.

She ran up close to him and stopped suddenly because she obviously recognized him.
Libby: OH SHIT! I'm so sorry! I totally thought you were someone else!
Him: Okay. S'alright. Don't worry about it.
Him: What's your name?
Libby: *extends hand for a shake* I'm Elizabeth.
Him: *backs up like 2 feet*
Libby: I'm not going to tackle you!
Him: I'm *name here*
Libby: That's cool. Hi *name*
Him: What're you doin' here?
Libby: I got my laundry goin', we're just killin' time.
Him: So you live around here?
Libby: Yeah.
Him: Where?
Libby: Up on Glenoaks.
Him: Oh, okay.

At this point, I'm pretty sure he saw me heading back up the street, so he mumbled something bland and bounced.

Now, as Libby was mortified by her near attack of him, we waffled a bit. She did feel badly, and we figured he was just popping into the store for smokes, so we were gonna wait around to apologize. It's a normal, human thing to do, right? Right. STFU, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. So we wait. Libby is sitting on some random stoop that's at the rear of the store, and I was standing, keeping an Eagle Eye out for him, as we were maybe 20 ft from the front door. I see him come out and look in our direction, then he takes a step back, out of my line of sight. That crafty little mother fucker. A few seconds later, he steps back out, smoke lit, and immediately heads back across the street.

Libby: Hey! Come here real quick!
Him: *looks at us, but ignores*
Libby: Hey! Come hang out with us!
Him: *ignores more*
Stace: Dude, you so scared him. He's frightened.
Libby: Hey!! Are you afraid of me?!
Him: *SHUNS*

We stayed at the stoop long enough so he wouldn't think we were following him and do something crazy, like call the cops, then we headed off on our walk, laughing about the encounter the entire time.

Libby so scared him. I think there's hope, though! He started the conversation, not she. He asked for information on her and only bounced when he saw me heading that way. I think the possibility of one cute, friendly girl was all right, but Shy Guy was a little scared to try to kick game with a wing man there.


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