Jan 15, 2007 12:11
Ah, wireless internet. It is going to be very unfortunate the day I mail my computer away for repairs. But I suppose it is better than living with a faulty computer monitor. The guy I spoke with on the phone was very helpful and assured me that the monitor will be repaired for free. I'm glad I still have a warranty. Blah blah blah! I am so full of nothing. At least, I feel that way today, while I sit at the airport. If I ever complain about debt, remind me that there are thousands of dollars worth of plane tickets sitting on my credit card accruing interest. But without credit life would be not nearly as luxurious and interesting. I just wish I would have paced myself a little better.
This morning I was startled awake by the landlord plowing the parking lot 15 minutes before my alarm clock was supposed to go off. Because my window is at ground level, his plowing flung snow onto my window that woke me up wide eyed and annoyed. I treated myself to pancakes and coffee which transformed into belly hanging over my pants and indigestion. You should have smelled my farts this morning. I didn't even enjoy them. Ahh....