I get the best spam

Jul 03, 2007 16:24

RAC Motoring Services (RACMS)
8 Surrey Street, Norwich, NR1 3NG, United Kingdom
Good day,

This is an email from Rac Plc in United Kingdom; Our Company is currently looking for a representative in the United States and Canada, who will help us establish a new distributing network to receive payment from our clients that brought goods from us and collect their outstanding bills which they owe the company.

Terms and Condition:
1. To receive payments from the clients

2. Cash payment at your bank.

3. Deduct 10%, which will be your percentage/pay for your services and work.

4. Forward balance after deduction of your percentage/pay to any of the offices you will be directed to send the funds left.

Kindly fill the application below.


First Name __________________Middle Name_______________ Last
Residential Address_____________________________
City ____________________State ________ __________Zip _____________
Home Telephone Number______________________
Personal cell phone Number______________________
Email Address____________________________________
Gender ____________ Marital Status ____________________
Age _____________ Nationality ________________________
Are you a U.S. citizen or otherwise authorized to work in the

Please note: Only interested applicants should respond to this offer and forward all information requested to racms4@yahoo.de

Regards and await your response,
RAC Motoring Services (RACMS)
Mr James Warwick
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