day forty-seven: forgive me, father, for i have sinned - it has been over a month since my last post

Jul 29, 2013 18:48

clearly i am the worst at keeping this thing updated OH WELL.

time to sum up my v, v eventful month.


JULY 6TH: baby doremus was born, one day after his daddy's birthday and over a week ahead of schedule. lucas and sarah have a kid. my best friend and his wife have a BABY. wtf when did we get this old, how does my bff have a child, still can't truly wrap my head around this. elijah lucas doremus is healthy and cute as a fucking button and i'm super happy for his parents. held him for a whole hour a couple weeks ago and he slept the entire time -- so he's officially my favourite baby ever. i like 'em when they're cute and quiet and floppy.



and it was just as magical as you would expect. because of the crash that happened at san fran the day before, he was a few hours late to the event, but it was still totally worth it. molly and i were on cloud nine pretty much the whole time; he's SUCH a natural storyteller (well, yeah, DUH, but i mean that some people are better storytellers when they have the time and a bit of paper, but he's so natural at public speaking i am ETERNALLY JEALOUS/ENVIOUS) and SO witty and SO charming. his hair rivals dylan moran, and i now require to see them have a hair-off. he read some of ocean at the end of the lane and most of his kid's book that's out in sept. and answered questions and was just all around delightful. finally got our stuff signed around 2:30 AM and when he looked up at me he said, "i like your shirt." (i was wearing my tesla shirt, which got tons of compliments) and i just went, "THANKS. I THOUGHT YOU WOULD."

also saw killerweasel there! YAY, BECKY. (she gives ab fab hugs, btw) the rv walker bobblehead you gave me is currently keeping mini!angie b and daryl dixon company on our entertainment center. 1 out of every 4 people were wearing doctor who shirts. i high-fived a girl with an octopus shoulder sleeve tat. OH, and i got recognized by someone: i was admiring this girl's awesome dress and she suddenly turned, looked at me, and went, "are you zombres?" when i stammered yes, she said that she read the lito. i asked her what her handle was and she said she didn't have one, she just stalked my journal because someone recommended it to her. molly was slapping my shoulder and screeching that i was internet famous and IT TOTALLY MADE MY NIGHT. :D



and siobhan is JUST as delightful in person as she is online and it was just A PERFECT WEEKEND. we went to the george eastman house (founder of kodak) and now i am required to write an epic adventure story where he and teddy team up with tesla to save the world from edison. we ate SO MUCH asian food (NOM NOM NOM) and got bottles of wine and sushi and watched opera and dw and saw night of the living dead on the big screen and it was just ahhhhhh SO NICE. the rochester area is GORGEOUS -- so many trees and pretty houses and i love all of the little shops and restaurants and neighborhoods. super picturesque. so bummed that i don't live close enough to warrant tons of movie nights and the like. ;___; (and i wish there was enough interesting stuff in washington to warrant siobhan and rob coming down HERE for a visit, but ALAS.)



THAT WASN'T A MOVIE - THAT WAS A RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE. i've already screamed EXTENSIVELY about this beautiful perfect flawless magical wonderful movie on my tumblr so i think i shall just leave it at EVERYTHING IS PACIFIC RIM AND EVERYTHING HURTS BUT IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE.

i'm in a downward spiral straight into the drift and have no intention of surfacing any time soon. and


JULY 27TH: taco bell gang reunion.

we were minus jason, which ;___;, but otherwise the whole crew was together again to touch base before molly and david head off to wyoming for the next couple of years, until molls gets her doctorate. molls and twads got to meet baby elijah, we had monicals, and then m & t and i came back to mah digs for some ice cream and to watch tucker and dale vs. evil and some avatar: tla. it was nice to see everyone again and just chill.


JULY 28TH: julie

it's been aaaaaaages since julie and i got to see each other; she hadn't even seen the doctopus in person yet! we had some chinese and chilled and i got her started on the path to castle fangirling. and lo, it was good. frustrated, AGAIN, that we live just far enough apart that it makes it difficult to see one another on the regular. this is why science needs to get a fucking move on with teleportation, goddammit.


TODAY: mcgoogles girls.

got to see my kaleigh for the first time since she had the twins, and got to meet the twins in question: brynn and elora rose are VERY cute, and little kiera's gotten so big it's astounding how much she's changed since i last saw her. she can speak almost complete sentences now! (also she apparently calls me angela, which is RIDIC; little kids, man.)


and somewhere in all of that i managed to read 10 BOOKS and download the ENTIRETY OF THE MST3K SERIES. idek, either. oh, and got commissioned to write a bunch more articles for including this recap piece on the walking dead. july was insanely busy. and in august there's the rifftrax: live! event of starship troopers and emkay and carlin's wedding a couple days after THAT. other than that, though, i'm going to try to keep august as plan-free as possible; i really need to fucking recuperate.

currently i'm trying to work on weird, world and crossroads, which isn't going too great because i abruptly feel HORRIBLE. after getting home from kaleigh's, i took a super short ride on my new bike (mum got me a cheap old schwinn at a garage sale this week), and by the time i got back to the townhouse i felt like i was about to black out: vision went gnarly, it was nearly impossible to breathe, and my hearing went all wonky like i was underwater. managed to stagger to the front step before i passed out completely, and had to lie flat on my back for several minutes before i could get up again. O___o considering it wasn't terribly hot out and i hadn't exerted myself THAT much, i'm thinking it had to do with the fact that i hadn't eaten an actual meal all day.

on top of that, the reds invaded a couple days ago and my legs are IN AGONY. not even just my knees: my entire legs feel like i've run several marathons this week, which makes NO sense. been chucking down bananas like crazy in an attempt to cut the charlie horses off at the pass, but my muscles are still aching terribly. also i wore brand new shoes saturday for a full shift and they rubbed off most of the skin on the outer edge of my left foot. DELIGHTFUL. i'm just a mess of pain and nausea today. joy of joys.

seriously thinking about getting my next tattoo soon. just have to decide WHICH one i'm getting next, and where to get it. currently leaning towards my "vincent van gogh in gallifreyan" design on my left inner wrist in TARDIS blue or maybe coldplay's "i'd rather be a comma than a full stop," in fancy script. CHOICES, CHOICES.


and one more thing before i go for now:

My girl Sarah Doremus (wife of Lucas) has her debut album coming out in just over a week and YOU SHOULD ALL PRE-ORDER THIS AWESOMENESS RIGHT NOW. She has a LOVELY voice, wrote all of her own songs, and is a fabulous pianist as well. ALSO: two of her songs were inspired by Doctor Who and one is a tribute to Teen Wolf - plus there’s a remix of the Teen Wolf track and it’s AMAZEBALLS. So mosey over here RIGHT NOW and order your copy. THANKING YOU.

hope you're all doing great; sorry i've been so absent and am shite at responding to comments and haven't check y'all's blogs in over a month, WHOOPS. imma try to be better about that stuff next month. *hugs + ♥*

siobhan: the magnificent movie maven, neil gaiman, writing, julie loves keanu reeves' posture, idris elba: none fucking fiercer, criminal element, tattoos, movies 2013, kaleigh: adorability personified, pain, lucas (and sarah), the walking dead, music is my boyfriend, it's (not) hard out here for a pimp

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