day thirty-four: tv overload.

Apr 05, 2013 20:27

I marathoned a shit ton of TV today.


MS. HUDSON. MS. HUDSON. MSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. HUDSSSSSSSSSSSSSONNNNNNNNN. OMFG OMFG OMFG. SHE IS FLAWLESS. Utterly gorgeous and classy. Her OCD is not the butt of a joke, her being trans is not a joke NOR is it ALL that she is as a character -- she's just a person who happens to be trans, and I love that they commented on it once and THAT WAS IT. She's allowed to be seen as a desirable woman, Sherlock calls her a "professional muse", and I love her dynamic with Watson already. PLEASE BE IN ALL THE EPISODES FROM NOW ON, OMFG.





And then there was a reappearance of Clyde! EEEEE, I love that they have a pet. And Sherlock's comment about Bell's abilities as an actor, trolololol, and their on-call snow plow driver Pam, AAAAAH this show is just the best.

Guys, I want to be in love with this show again. SO BADLY. And there's no denying that it's even slicker and prettier and fancier than before. But it all feels so... Shallow? Like, there's all this artifice but no real soul beneath it? The production values may be through the roof compared to s1 and s2, but the show doesn't have the same heart any more. THIS GIVES ME AN UBER SAD.

I love Jenna-Louise's face. I love her everything. I think she's got great chemistry with Matt and I love their rapid repartee style. And there was a forehead lean/kiss, which I am a forever sucker for.

But... I just dunno. I just didn't really connect with Clara in this episode, barring the tiny moment where he's looking at her book of places she'd like to travel to, because I understand/connect with that. And the Doctor since s6, for all of his moments of endearment, still feels so...

Okay, I think I've put my finger on it: He's like a scarecrow. A straw man who's dressed up to look like something but has lost that vital spark that really MADE him that person? I dunno. They keep TELLING us that Clara is important to him and that he's committed to finding and saving her, but I just don't feel like the sincere emotion is there yet? This may just be a problem stemming from the fact that Clara has shown slightly different personalities every time and keeps dying, so I can't see her as a continuous character? So I can't buy that it's a continuation of previous emotions/relationships? I DUNNO.

The idea of having WiFi that could control you is clever/creepy, and the Spoonheads were plenty freaky in an Uncanny Valley sorta way. Anytime a "Big Brother" style baddie can literally manipulate your thoughts or behavior, that's pretty fucking horrific. But I still wasn't ever really concerned or tense during the episode? The villain just wasn't villainous enough or a big enough threat.

And I'm already 190% tired of having Clara die/almost-die EVERY FUCKING TIME. Stop that, Moffat. STOP IT. I'LL HAVE TO DO A DAMAGE TO YOU IF YOU DON'T.

I dunno. I admit that I was only half-invested/half-paying attention while I watched, so maybe I missed stuff or something. Feel free to come and talk at me about it.

1.17: Scared to Death
I love love LOVE whenever they do supernatural-themed episodes and Castle gets to get his horror geek on. WES CRAVEN CAMEO. A RING-STYLE VIDEO DEATH THREAT. PEOPLE BEING SCARED TO DEATH. A NORMAN BATES-STYLE HOTEL. I loved Castle's Bucket List and how it had "Be With Kate" on it (OMGFOJGADASDKLN MY HEART), and that he wanted her to outlive him -- her FAAAACE when she heard that, STAWP YOU TWO. And of course Castle keeps holy water and paranormal weapons on hand -- Nathan's a zombie apocalypse prepper IRL and this is just ANOTHER reason why we would be BFFs.

1.18: The Wild Rover
EEEEEE A RYAN-CENTRIC EPISODE! He got to be super badass and hot and EEEEEEE. I loved seeing this side of Ryan, and HE AND JENNY ARE PREGNANT AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH, and then that ending. CALLING FOR HIS TEAM. AHHHHHH. I love whenever they let their found family feels come to the fore. DAS BESTE.

1.19: The Lives of Others


A REAR WINDOW THEMED EPISODE. I NEVER KNEW I WANTED IT UNTIL I HAD IT AND OMG THAT'S PERFECT. I love that Beckett knows him so well and that he was totally bamboozled and ALLLL of the parallels and the comfortable domesticity of them and "I'll be home with dinner in a half hour" and Kate was SO handsy with him eeeeee I CANNOT HANDLE THESE PERFECT ASSHOLES. ACTUALLY BONKING OTP. I love that they're maintaining the chemistry and flirtations even now that there's been (MULTIPLED) consummation.



This show is a surreal fever dream-cum-fugue state and IT IS DELICIOUS.

Most beautifully horrific thing EVER, ye GODS, please let this continue to be the trend. Bryan Fuller, you perfect bastard, you. This CAST. And the colors and framing and cues for Will's transitions into the minds of the killers, I AM SO GIDDY I CAN HARDLY STAND IT. THE SHINING PARALLELS. And the SYMBOLISM. As Jordan said, "I'm calling it now. First Skyfall, now Hannibal: Stags are totally in."


Mads is already perfection as Hannibal. I find Dancy's semi-autistic take on Will to be EXTREMELY interesting. STUPID EXCITED to see Eddie Izzard and Gillian Anderson in future eps, as well as the developing relationship between Will and Dr. Bloom and the unfolding of Will and Hannibal's creeptastic friendship.

This show is going to be brutal, but it's also going to be obscenely beautiful, SO I CANNOT WAIT.

I just need to catch up on the Vikings, marathon s4 of Justified, and steam through more of The X-Files now....

i hope lucy liu plays all your favourite, hannibal: bad taste, doctor who: fantastic! allons-y! fez!, castle: we never talk about it, elementary dear watson/russell

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