no but i love toads a lot.

Jun 25, 2012 22:06


174 of 365 | Julie and Derek's Save the Date arrived! Ain't they adorable?

175 of 365 | The fourth outing in the Tiffany Aching series is some surprisingly DARK SHIT, guys.

177 of 365 | The shadows cast by my dashboard Buddha (apparently now floating in mid-air) and rearview kangaroo (apparently being hung for terrible crimes) caught my eye at Cherry Garden.

And my fave meme ever, since it's been a while:
1. Reply to this post with SHAWARMA, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.

This will create a never ending circle of icon glee!

totallybalanced gave me the following --

film + moses vs. the monsters.

ALLOW IT, BITCHES. Okay, so Attack the Block was as good as everyone said, and I fell madly in love with John Boyega as Moses -- BE IN ALL THE THINGS, BOYEGA. DEAR GOD. This was easily one of the coolest, niftiest, most fun low-budge films I've seen in a dog's age: best alien design EVER. And the acting was brills, the action awesome, the cinematography artistically pleasing. I HAVE A LOT OF FEELS ABOUT THIS FILM.

art + teddy is displeased.
why you gotta go make teddy angry!face? fairandbright

Easily one of my fave (and most used) icons of all time. IT'S MY DEAD PRESIDENT BOYFRIEND. BACK IN HIS HOT BOXING CHAMPION COLLEGE DAYS. This is one of my top five pics of Teedie ever. And BLESS MEGAN for making this for me. ILUUUUU 4EVAH.

zombie + stephen took the lift.
when there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth. thirdhex

One of my oldest icons; I doubt I'll ever get rid of this one. This is the zombie that influenced all future zombies in terms of the traditional "zombie shuffle". And while David Emge's Stephen was an asshat of the first caliber in this movie, he was an AWESOME zombie, and had a really splattery and satisfying death in the film's climax. SO MUCH LOVE.

dw s1 + rainbows in her wake.
she burns like the sun. nextjuly

Sometimes I miss s1 (and Rose) so much that it makes me want to cry forever. This icon just sums up Rose in the early days of her traveling with the Doctor SO WELL. She's pink and yellow and all the sparkles of the rainbow, and just so joyful and full of life. OH, BEBE. MY BEBE. ;___;

humor + gotta go sing about my feelings
brb. toastandtea

Say what you will about High School Musical: it gave us such delightful fodder for parody and mockery. Everything about this icon -- from its bright color scheme to Zefron's graceful swan pose to the text -- makes me giggle. EVERY. TIME. And considering how long I've had this icon/how often I use it, that's no mean feat. I just love having icons that make me (and hopefully others) smile.

sir! terry pratchett, meme, icons, books 2012, julie loves keanu reeves' posture, project 365

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