using this icon because I DO WHAT I WANT.

May 14, 2012 08:39

So this latest Lito mythfic? Maaaay be getting out of hand.

It's 15 pages so far, and it's essentially turned into this huge, snakey, plotty thing. Halfway through it I realized that ALL THE THINGS were going to come out/to a head in this piece. Like ALL the stuff I've been hinting at in previous stories. And that won't fly, because I need to write at LEAST two more mythfics to set things up better. Namely ones centering on Circe and Ares. Soooo....

WHAT TO DO, WHAT TO DO. I guess I'll keep blasting ahead full-steam on this piece, finish it, and then go back and write the two bridge pieces that are set earlier. WHY DO YOU DO THESE THINGS TO ME, BRAIN? I didn't want to write a full novel to cap off the intrigue at the Lito! I'm supposed to be doing a full novel for the WWII backstory, remember? Masters of Our Fate? *claws at face*

And anyway, I don't even know exactly where this piece is going, not exactly. I have a lot of vague ideas, but more and more scenes happen with talking and plotting and WHERE AM I GOING WITH THIS?!?

But I hope y'all like who I've cast as Pygmalion and Galatea. *nefarious grin*

The following gif isn't very relevant, but how Dionysius is this? REALLY:

the lito, writing, mythfics

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