"i'm drawing a line in the sand. don't read the latin."

Apr 29, 2012 09:56

119 of 365 | "I had to dismember him with a trowel. ...How've you been?"
(Best horror movie I've seen in years? Quite possibly.)

115 of 365 | Still read this as WILDLIFE ENCHANTMENT rather than ENHANCEMENT.

116 of 365 | So glad I rediscovered my travel-sized Burt's Bees lotions. My hands are most grateful.

117 of 365 | Long walk with Luke and Sarah led to some interesting finds.

118 of 365 | Re-reading one of my fave comfort books, and enjoying the bookmark my darling Hannah gave me.

120 of 365 | Mugg!Me and Iron Man have become buddies -- just in time to fight the approaching undead hordes.

project 365

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