i would have come back as a vengeful spirit to haunt the highway, ngl.

Jan 14, 2012 17:57

This is somewhat after the fact, but I hope y'all are really happy to "see" my face, because I almost died Thursday night.

No exaggeration. Literally thought I was about to die. And the funny thing is that in that moment, I was pretty calm and okay about the whole thing. Sorta nice to know you can be resigned and peaceful about death when you see it, amirite?

Okay, so apologies for the dramatics, but I am being serious here. Thursday was the first big snowfall for the winter, and not only was it snowing -- it was blowing in every fucking direction. I was at work until 6 PM, which meant it was pitch black out WHILE also billowing snow.

Which means whiteout conditions on the highway. Definitely not what I wanted to drive home in. My typically 45 minute drive from the Barnes to the Tolivers' in Eureka took twice that, and I was barely going 20 on the highway as I approached town. And then I started across the ramp into Eureka, a good couple hundred feet up with only guardrails to keep me from flying off into nothing, and the whiteout was total. I could have been driving straight for the rails, as far as I knew.

And then I saw the semi's headlights. Coming straight at me.

So yeah. Managed to swerve away from the semi at the last second and avoid driving through the rails to my plummetous death. Finally got to the house, downed a bottle of wine, and passed out by ten. Not a good night, and I am already fucking done with winter.


Okay, here, to lighten this post up, have the most awesome sheet cake ever:

personal, weather, fuck this shit!

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