you know you're in for a good time when there's a polar bear bleeding on the label.

Dec 28, 2011 15:22

Martha Jones.
Rory Pond & Code Geass.
Once Upon a Time. (Pimping this for the Regina/Evil Queen-meets-Anne Taintor icons because DAMN those are great.)
Jude Law moodtheme.
OUaT, Buffy, Angel, Vamp Diaries, Secret Circle, Criminal Minds, misc.
Alias, Buffy, Glee, Vamp Diaries.
Multifandom and textures.
Multifandom from Becca.
Sherlock & Firefly.
Haven & Boardwalk Empire.
Buffy & DW.
Actors & multifandom.
Downton Abbey, DW, Disney, Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, HP & misc.
Game of Thrones, Luther, Suits, Sherlock.
Multifandom from Stef.
The Hobbit.
Merlin, Avatar: TLA, DW (Classic and new - HAVE I EVER MENTIONED HOW MUCH I SHIP TWO/JAMIE?), Community, Black Mirror, Legend of the Seeker, Luther, misc. SUPER ridiculously gorgeous batch here, people.
The Hobbit & Misfits.
DW "The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe".
Glee, Grimm, Misfits, OUaT.
SPN, LOST, Game of Thrones.

The Ultimate DW Timeline. Breaks down each regen's adventures, foes, and companions. EPIC.
5 reasons calling someone a nerd is officially meaningless.
22 fictional characters whose names you didn't know.
Harrison Ford and Abigail Breslin confirmed for Ender's Game.
Bruce Campbell WILL be in Sam Raimi's Oz film.
2011 in pictures.
Santa's Derpy Reindeer. YES.
6 horrifying implications in classic Christmas movies.
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week). That Sailor Uranus? Is my friend Linds, the same who cosplays a VERY convincing Eleven AND was a zombie in the Walking Dead's episode "Guts". I LOVE THAT GIRL SO.
25 Youtube comments that are actually funny.
6 fictional villains who accidentally saved the day.
Come in From the Cold War: A Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier fanmix from the glorious Megan. :D

Last night was good. It's always good when I get to spend time with the Taco Bell Gang. Ate a ton of cheese and watched the others play Wii Jeopardy which was fun. Then Lucas demonstrated how ridiculously BRUTAL (so BRUTAL even Nathan Explosion would have been shocked) the newest Mortal Kombat game is (X-RAY VISION OF THE INTERNAL BATTLE DAMAGE, UGH, and so so SO much blood!). Then Molls pulled out her ever trusty Chicken Soup for the Soul Game and we all got to be silly for a couple hours. Totally stumped Jason on the question, "What American tourist attraction is at the top of this person's must-see list?" with Route 66. He was flabbergasted when I said it was on BOTH sides of the Mississippi. Trololol.

Today after work I met up with Ashlee, her friends, and most of our book club at the new restaurant Wild Berries for her birthday lunch. The array of food there is RIDIC. Stir fry and fried chicken and breakfast foods and GYROS and pastas and seafood and I D E K. Huuuuge servings, too, for pretty cheap. I was mucho satisfied. And it was nice to chat with Ashlee and her crew; I forget how awesome her brother Justin is until he's home visiting for a holiday. The boy is GRRREAT.

Will connived me into working a full morning shift tomorrow rather than a five-hour evening one. Bugger. Then working all day Friday, followed by a frantic drive out to Kewanee to make it to at least PART of Erin & Sarah's Jesusmas party. Saturday is work followed by the Taco Bell Gang Jesusmas/New Year's party. We're doing a potluck again, everyone's bringing booze, there will be spoofing of The Phantom Menace and gifts and much good times followed by passing out in Luke and Sarah's hall. Really looking forward to it.



harry potter (aka the weasley show), luther, fanmixes, grimm, linds is *my* doctor, jesusmas, misfits, classic!who, disney, game of thrones,, your moment of zen, brb loling forever, sherlock, i'm a marvel girl, downton abbey, doctor who: fantastic! allons-y! fez!, nom nom nom, avatar: the last airbender, once upon a time, taco bell gang, lotr, haven: the only thing i feel is you, icons, bruce campbell: the b movie god, buffy will patrol tonight, photos, criminal minds: bau = bamfs, sarah & erin, ashlee is john wayne's biggest fan

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