Oh, and
This story has become something I never intended it to be. It was supposed to be a story that was largely grounded in reality with a few fantasy/horror flourishes. And now it's all EPIC QUESTS AND BATTLES! And DESTINY AND FATE AND MAGIC SHIT! ...But Idris Elba is soooo fucking sexy/creepy as October, and I'm having far too much fun writing him and all of this crazy shit so WHATEVS, I DO WHAT I WANT. I will follow this tributary of insanity all the way down to the oceans of madness if I must. Just so long as I'm still having fun, right?
At the Mines of Moria in my LOTR re-read. Ahhhhhh, these books are fifty-thousand times better than I had remembered. HOW DID I THINK THESE WERE BORING THE FIRST TIME THROUGH? I am falling in love with J.R.R. Tolkien and it is CRAZY. But ohhh it feels soooo gooood. Looking forward to finishing the re-read and then starting my extended edition rewatch. And then I'm finally going to watch ALL THE SPECIAL FEATURES, which I somehow have never watched in toto. WHUUUT? Oh, yeah, and I really hope Mum pulls through and gets me the extended edition of ROTK, because I STILL don't own that one. Grrr argh argh.
I've decided that next year will be the Year of Epic Re-Watches. I'm going to do: Friends, Frasier, Buffy, and The X-Files. And it's going to be amazing and epic and burn my brain out but I D E C because it'll be glorious.
Still 10k to go for NaNoWriMo and only four days left, but I AM GOING TO FUCKING DO IT. I will write ALL THE WORDS today and tomorrow and Monday night and will emerge victorious. Bitches. And. Shit.