This is the Voice of Doom calling... telling you to be a good little girl and work on grad school stuff. (I'M TRYING TO BE A GOOD FRIEND. BECAUSE WHILE I WOULD RATHER YOU WORK ON WEIRD, I KNOW YOU HAVE TO DO GRAD STUFF. THIS IS ME BEING A CHEERLEADER. It's less effective when I have to explain it.)
(Also so I can post your OUaT fic 'cause it's a 1x03 post-ep that I'm hoping doesn't get messed up by tonight's ep, lmfao.)
(Also so I can post your OUaT fic 'cause it's a 1x03 post-ep that I'm hoping doesn't get messed up by tonight's ep, lmfao.)
(And yes, go right ahead, I understand completely.)
(You sure? Tesla can still be your reward.)
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