(no subject)

Aug 09, 2005 01:00

Sorry guys. I'm long overdue on screenshots and whatever else is happening with me in my RO world.
I recently got the new Harvest Moon - FMoT and AnWL so I've been preoccupied with those.
But no fear! I have not abandoned the great Ragnarok Online. :3

Here's your daily dose of my fun in screenshot format:

And from a few days ago...

^ My pet is so cute. :3
Currently trying to get a Hatii Baby or Wildrose. =/

So basically other than taking stupid screenshots, I've been leveling up in Secret Dungeon. My assassin cross is currently 249 251. I'm so close to 255 I can fawkin' taste it. I can't wait to become reborn and get my stupid ears of demon. =^^=
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