I don't post enough on this... its cuz I always get distracted, and cuz I'm antisocial at heart =(
I mean I mostly write crappy stories that I only half finish because I get bored, lol. But I also draw XD
So here are some, or well two, of my drawingssss
A Green Day one that I did a long time ago... I should draw a new one of them when I get around to it... Green Day's my favorite band, actually.
And here is a drawing of Hayley Williams from Paramore, who I may or may not be obsessed with.... 0.o
Ehhhh thats all for now cuz I'm too lazy to dig up other drawings, buuuutt yeah, I prolly will post some more drawings on here too....
So I guess what I'm trying to say is... Hi! I'm trying not to be boring and antisocial here! Lol (I'm such a loser....)