[SCANS] KinKi Kids ~funfanforever~ Tsuyoshi version

Nov 08, 2010 22:41

When monstakarotte  and I were in Japan this February we both bought a metal case from KinKi Kids in some awsome 2nd hand Idol shop - Elli the Koichi version while I took the Tsuyo one. =(^_^)=

This is my box >.<

Actually I had no idea that inside the already awsome looking box there would be postcards too, so that was some pleasant surprise!! LOL
But up until today we both have never seen those postcards scanned anywhere, so Elli suggested sharing them here in lj ^.^v
Sooooo...here are my 10 Tsuyo post cards ^^


MF (34,89MB)
[scanned at 300dpi]

You don't need to credit me (although I would be happy if you would XD) and please feel free to share the scans everywhere you want (but I would be happy if you asked me before ^^).
And comments are ♥ >(^_-)<

The Koichi version of those postcards can be found here at monstakarotte 's lj ^^

Did I mention how much I looo~ve Family~ひとつになること~???
I only dl it a few hours ago, but itunes already counts that I already listened to it 31 times O.Ö I soooo cried when I first listened to it - the lyrics are beautiful, and the piano, and their combined voices...oh, sorry, I stop my fangirling now XD
I'm soo looking forward to the singles (preordered both XD)  ~.~


Just a short explanation what kind of meme you are dealing with:
Honeyswallow gave me 5 words which reminded her of me (but that was already an eternity ago...*drop*), and now I write what I think or associate with those words >.< (aaah, so that’s why this meme is called “words”??)

Btw, thinking about those words might have been even harder than finding them in the first place XD

OK, so maybe I'm kind of obsessed with more than one hobby (namely Johnny's)... 

In fact my Cosplay fanatism goes way back already.
I guess it was nearly 5 years ago when I stumbled across some random cosplayer photos on the internet and decided to try it myself for Carneval XD I didn't even know how to use a sewing machine then, or even how to get the sewing silk inside the machine, but nonetheless I persuaded a friend of mine to do a "One Piece" cosplay with me - and, just by chance, at the carneval parade in my hometown we met some Naruto cosplayers and befriended them instantly and somehow found out about the world of Cosplay and Conventions ^^

That was the beginning of a myriad of hours spent sewing hideous costumes and hand-crafting the most ridiculous kind of weapons like scythes and chain saws and huuuge fans.
If I look at it logically, it's just plain stupid spending all that money on fabrics and materials for the hand crafting things. Also I hate the weeks prior to the Conventions I'm attending, simply because for me it means loooots of stress!!!! No sleep, no time for lj, no time for friends or anything at all except making the costume in time for the convention... -.-
Writing this makes me wonder again, why exactly am I doing this????

But then again I love participating on the cosplay competitions with my friends (like monstakarotte  and freakingcookie  here on LJ ^^ ) and I cannot deny that I love running around in my costume, making photos (or getting asked to be photographed XD XD)  - Did I mention that cosplaying gives you the ultimate EGO-boost??) and I also love the challenge - like trying to make a black monster growing out of your back without any visible attachments - I'm a horrible perfectionist, so I'm a pain in the neck basically as soon as the new "cosplay-season" starts (gomen ne, elli (-.-)#)

Up until now, I guess my costume-repertoire us around 20 costumes, but I guess it's still growing XD
btw, next year, monstakarotte and I are going to participate in the Duo-cosplay competition - with KinKi Kids (I just hope until then the ban on Bandcosplays will be lifted, or I have to hand in a doujinshi as reference XD) =^-^=

aka Elli aka shimai aka personal JE-newsletter aka reason-for-my-high-telephone-bill aka technically-we-don't-need-to-speak-to-each-other-because-we-think-the-exact-same-stupid-things aka my best friend ^.^

If the name "Shingo" is mentioned anywhere, I associate it with 3 (or even 4) people:
Katori Shingo: 
 It's really funny, but every time I try to get one of my friends into Johnny's, the easiest way is to show them "Here is your hit" from Shingo's solo on the S.M.A.P.-DVD first XD
Somehow even my sister, who couldn't care less for my strange obsession with JE, loves Shingo. Because he's cuuute, she says. And I have to agree (- who could disagree after seeing his I-can-put-a-whole-CD-in-my-mouth-like-it's-a-cookie-smile) ^_^
Machida Shingo:
M.A.s pretty boy (after Aki's gone...T__T) - I guess I really only know him because of KinKi Kids' concerts in which he shows dancemoves which leave me in front of my TV going O.Ö...
I never understood how people like SMAP get a debut (hey, no offence, SMAP are still my favourites ^^) if there are people in the jimushu who can dance AND SING...like...wow, he can do a backflip and even sing in tune afterwards >.<
Murakami Shingo:
The 3rd Shingo, but in fact I never call him by that name, as he is always adressed as "Hina". I love kanjani, and I love Hina tsukkomi-ing everyone XD
The 4th Shingo I associate is a little joke of my friend who came to love the name Shingo (I guess because of Katori Shingo, but idk) and since then swears to name her first son "Shingo" <.< ok...I don't have to add how strange it sounds if you have a German last name and Shingo as a first name...+.+

I'm currently in my second year of Law studies. Honestly I don't really know what to write about university life here...maybe that starting this October I finally also participate in a Japanese class *yattaa* - and monstakarotte and I are in nearly the same lectures, so even if it's a totally boring lesson, at least I have someone to fail about JE with ♥

OK, I'm sorry I have to admit, I don't know anything about Zombies...at least not more than every more or less ordinary person...
My nickname "Zombiezahn" was just some random example of alliteration fanatism XD (btw, "Zombiezahn simply means "Zombietooth" for every on who doesn't speak German ^^)

#scans, -fangirling-, meme, *kinki kids

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