Feb 12, 2007 13:56
Ummmm, About the party.... The boy and I suck at organising, so what do you guys want to do? Where do you guys want to have it?
I mean, I can kinda sort it out but I want to know what you lovelybunnies want. ^^ <3
Woo. This last week has been mad. every week seems mad these days.
It feels like everday is going to work and then when work stops everything else we need to do starts. XD
Maybe that's the way with most people. My brain is broked. Sorry.
So many people to get around to seeing, Lol. i need to stop being a lazy moose and actually do stuff.
This weekend! I shall do stuff this weekend.
I've forgotten what i'm actually on about. ^^; isnt that always the way?
I've been having weird dreams again.
Not something I really want to dicuss but it might help I guess.
Only four more days of work before I can relax again. *sigh*
New flat hunting is going.... Umm.
Well, It will be going once we get paid our bonuses. then we can pay bond and stuff.
I am tired. :B Fear my untelligence.
It is Chris's bwifday soon. The 16th. I wish he wasnt in France, I could give him a hug. He seems happy though and it doesnt seem to be snowing over there anymore. (from what i've heard)
I miss my kitty.
I need to go see him. But I'm busy this weekend. Maybe next?
I should stop talking to myself in text format.
I feel boredomness.