Jan 18, 2008 01:20

just realizing how deep the GAME goes. all of life is a game. we entered this experience, apparently unaware, cos if we did, why would we want to participate? how can manipulating objects be a pleasure when it's so easy to get lost in them...if they're not real, then why create the illusion? you want the illusion just to undo it and you want to need it so that you expend your energies...you create it so that you can enjoy it, you play with it because it is your pleasure...and then it dies, and you create something new and so on..do you ever get tired of seeing them fail and die? you make things all the time JUST TO SEE THEM DESTROYED??? WE DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING!!! WE'RE ALL ASLEEP AND THAT'S WHY WE CAN'T WAKE UP!!! WE CAN ONLY WAKE UP AS ONE!! IT'S THE ONLY WAY, THE ONE ISN'T ENTIRELY CONSCIOUS UNTIL WE ARE ALL ENTIRELY CONSCIOUS!!! everytime you run after a dream you bump into the same wall, over and over again!! it's POINTLESS!!! but so long as we BELIEVE in dreams for our fulfillment, WE WILL NEVER WAKE UP!! we call it a DREAM, like it's the desirable!! but we do not value CONSCIOUSNESS!! we run after our desires like they will last us a life time, but WE are the only things to last us a lifetime!! the very CONSCIOUSNESS itself must be REALIZED in order for it to be content!! otherwise, every dream becomes a nightmare!! enjoy the life you have, for it is neverending, but only look inside yourself to be FULFILLED and AT-ONE-MENT or WHOLE!! the male-female game was all designed by us to further that sense of wholeness attained thru the outside world, it can be beautiful, so long as we realize we are all ultimately at ONE when we are aware of ourselves, and the god we already are, but looking to the other human being for SELF or IDENTITY is a flaw! or a "sin," meaning ERROR!!
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