Oct 20, 2005 19:38
So I'm still looking for work. I've sent out my resume to a bunch of places but only two actually responded so far (both were rejections). One of my aunts said she might be able to find me something around her office. It would definatly be better than nothing.
I brought home the bunny on monday. It ended up being a she instead of a he. She's still really young and small. While that makes her cute, it also makes her harder to litterbox train. I had to clean out her cage twice this week since she made such a mess. She's got it a little more under control now which is good. Because of that I let her run around my room for a short while today. She was really happy, you could tell. She was exploring and jumping all around my room.
Well, I'm off to play poker with high school friends. Now that I'm back in Sierra Madre, its the only social activity I have that doesn't require driving atleast an hour. Its been pretty interesting actually hanging out with people I haven't seen in four years. Its strange how some people are exactly how you remembered them, but not in the way you remembered them (if that makes any sense).