Nov 17, 2005 19:34
I am joining the Navy. I have nothing better to do. Why not spend four years of my life making a shitload of money a month and not having to work some shitty ass fast food job? I mean, damn. And once I get out, I get a check every month for the rest of my life! And my son will never have to worry about money and we won't have to struggle. Four years of my life = a shitload of money and a paid college education. Let me blow something up, Captain! I want to either focus on the Buying and Shipping program or the News and Media. I am in training as of now. I will begin a crucial work out and will begin getting into shape so that bootcamp will be a piece of fucking chocolate cake. I think the Navy has a boxing program. Actually, I think all the military branches do because I've seen/heard about the navy vs army things. I think they have football teams and shit too. Seems like they always have these big competitions and shit every years. All the military branches vs each other in this big tournament. Anyway, point being, I want to box. I'm fiesty. I'll knock some motherfucker out. I will just visualize Marlon's ugly face and begin swinging until I hit something. I can handle this. I know it. There's a lot of women in the navy. I can hold my own. If those women can go through bootcamp while on the rag and such, I know my tough motherfucking ass can do this without any problems. U.S. Navy, here comes Josh Motherfucking Atkinson.