Sometimes I laugh at how wackily neurotic I am!

Apr 29, 2006 11:36

Meme thing. I wasn't tagged, so I feel no obligation to tag anyone else.

So the rules are, once you've been tagged you have to write an entry with 6 weird things/habits about yourself.

1. When eating, it is necessary for any meat products I consume to first be raised to a very high temperature, and then brought down to an acceptably cool temperature for my mouth. The only exceptions are when I rarely allow myself to eat fish that has not been brought up to a high temperature, but then I require it wrapped in sea-weed and rice.

2. When I get dressed, there is a strict order in which I put my clothing on. I start with undergarments. This includes things like underwear, fishnet stockings or bras. Next are the pieces of clothing I want people to see, like shirts and pants. Finally, I will put on any outerwear necessary. This includes things like jackets, coats, scarves, and boots. Sometimes I break this pattern by waiting until after I've put on pants to put on socks (which I consider undergarments).

3. Pretty much every weekday, I drag myself out of bed at 2:30 in the morning to take a 45 minute bus ride. The bus takes me to a large UPS sortation hub. I hate going there, but I feel compelled to go nearly every day. Weird, huh?

4. Another strange compulsion I have might be a sign of some physical or psychological problem. After I've been active for a while, I find my mind gets all foggy, and I seek a dark, warm, secluded area to shut my body down for several hours. While my body is shut down, I create fanciful stories in my head. The amount of time I do this varies, from 4-6 hours every day during the week, and 10-14 hours a day during weekends.

5. When using either public restrooms or my private bathroom, I find it necessary to close what ever door is available before discharging any bodily wastes. Afterward, I immediately wash my hands, because I have a hypothesis that germs that live in human waste can be harmful to my health and the health of others.

6. I find it nearly impossible to achieve full sexual arousal without first taking the life of a homeless person. Yeah, I know this one is probably pretty common, but I was having trouble coming up with a sixth weird habit.
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