Hey there...this is a 'story' I did a while ago, so I hope you all enjoy it. Who knows...someone might actually like it. hahahahahaa...ha...er...nevermind.
Anyway, it is a fan-fic with MCR characters, and a few original characters. Doctors and a female character. I think its pretty good, hope someone else will too. lol
Title: "Every Record Has a B-side"
Author: Me
Pairing: Um...not really any...
Rating: R or a hard PG13
Summary: Gerard and his employee Jordan are questioned about the dangeroug happenings at the store where Gerard is manager.
Disclaimer: Didn't happen, and it never will. Don't own, and never will. No one is me or anyone I know. Also, first fic, so be kind.
Tape 1 reading ‘Patient file #051078’
Voice one: "Um…well…I-I was the manager of the story ya know…night manager. Its cause I am young, don’t want me in charge when they are really busy ya know. Well anyway, um, there are like only like about three other workers on the night crew. That’s me, but I’m not in the three ya know, then there is Bob, younger than me. He is in charge of the pet area, he looks kinda tough, but he is really nice. No one would guess that he is, ya know, so nice to all these small animals, but he like walks all the puppies and cats at night when we are slow so they are not sick. He is a really caring guy…"
Voice two: "Please Mr. Way, you are off topic."
Voice one: "Sorry doc. So um, there is Bob, and this girl Jordan who runs register and her friend Frank who is the other register guy and the runner for heavy stuff. Um, Jordan and him are like neighbors or something I think. Frank got her the job on the night crew and they are always goofing off when they can. Th-that’s kinda what I thought it was at first ya know…a joke. Um, so we are the main crew there and…we don’t really get many customers on the night crew, mainly you get three kinds. Drugged out losers, dealers, or meth chefs. The drugged out losers just have the munchies, so they are actually helpful in a way. The dealers are easy to spot cause they are kinda nervous and stalking the drugged out losers, so we kinda usher them out, but the meth chefs are the easiest cause all they buy it the stuff to cook meth ya know…"
Voice two: "Mr. Way…"
Voice one: "Yeah…I know…s-sorry. So, um, a few days ago I am back in produce ya know, checking dates, when I hear this scream. I know its Jordan right away cause…I dunno…I guess just cause I did. Anyway, I head up front, not in a big rush, cause they do stuff like this a lot when the time is stretching out, but then again not really very slow cause I just kinda knew that it could be serious. Anyway, I head up there and I don’t see anyone at either register. That makes me nervous, cause both Frank and Jordan are kinda smallish, so if someone wanted to kidnap one or something it wouldn’t be to hard to take both of them. S-so I don’t call out for them but just kinda walk closer to the registers. I just knew that any moment one of them would jump out and scare me a-as a joke, but nothing happened. Finally I kinda walked up to Frank’s register and there…there was all this blood. Then the smell hits me and I wonder why I didn’t smell it before…it makes me kinda light headed. I heard someone scream and it took me a second to realize it was me making that noise. Can I smoke?"
Voice two: "Of course Mr. Way."
Voice one: "Thanks. * Sound of metallic lighter * Um…I…I called for Jordan to see if she was hurt or something and I heard something near the other register. I kinda stumble over there and see Jordan crying there all covered in blood in a corner holding Frank. I mean…he was still there…just real bad off. I start asking what happened and all she could say was that she wasn’t there. What the hell did that mean? I got real nervous and scared, I called over the intercom to see if there was a doctor in the building, but no one came…I don’t think anyone was in there…it was really quiet all of a sudden. Then I yelled for Bob to get bandages and come up there over the speakers. He comes up with a crappy first aid kit. We finally convince Jordan to let him go and Bob starts working on Frank. It was at this point that I um…locked the doors and you know, put us in lock down mode. After then I…um…picked up the phone and tried to call the cops…but…but it was dead. Someone cut the line. "
End tape one for Patient #051078
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Tape two, Patient #052888
Voice one: "Is…is it on?"
Voice two: "Yes Miss Lee, now please tell me what happened."
Voice one: "Who all is gonna listen to it…I mean…will there be a whole group of people or what?"
Voice two: "It’s more for my personal use Miss Lee. I want to keep records of all my patients."
Voice one: "…what if I don’t wanna talk."
Voice two: "Please Miss Lee, don’t make me have to get the orderlies in here again."
Voice one: "O-okay…I…I will talk…I wanna…but I gotta kinda ease into it…p-please…Where do you want me to start?"
Voice two: "Start with how Frank got hurt."
Voice one: "But I told you! I told everyone! I don’t know! I just found him that way!"
Voice two: "Then start there…how did you find him? Or better yet, why was he alone?"
Voice one: "Um…well…it was still kinda early for us, a-around one in the morning I guess. N-not break time yet and…and I had to, um, ya know…use the bathroom. I told F-frank it was his fault cause he bought us those big drinks at a 7/11 and I couldn’t wait till break. S-so I told him to watch up front while I went. The store was really dead…I mean quiet…it was quiet that night so I didn’t think that there would be any harm. A-after that I um…started walking back and I didn’t see Frank at his register. I mean, his light was on but he wasn’t there. That is like the one rule we both follow, cause we always wanna know where the other one is in the store and if Frank or I leave up front we turn off our light to let the other know we are in the store. I know its silly, but I mean…we have known each other since we were little kids…so we look out for one another…"
Voice two: * clears throat *
Voice one: "Sorry…so I saw the light on and thought that he must have just left his booth to go near by…but I didn’t see him. So I walked up to his register to see if he was catching a nap when I saw the blood. I-I remember not being able to talk or anything and feeling really cold all of a sudden. I don’t think I screamed yet…but I could have. I then turned and looked around and saw that the blood kinda made a trail o-or something. I followed it with my eyes and saw that it led to my register. My register is kinda bigger so I can do returns or something…so I walk over there and I see Frank. He is just laying there really still and quiet…his arm was cut real high up and I remembered seeing this movie where a guy got his arm cut like that and bled out in like thirty seconds or something like that. I knelt next to him and heard him make some kinda sound. I think it was then that I screamed cause the next thing I remember is Gerard standing near my register and me trying to make a noise so he would see he would see us. When Gerard finally turned to us he started yelling at me about what had happened, which isn’t how he normally is. He is usually really nice, cause we are all about the same age here so we just kinda act like family. When he started yelling I started to cry, I tried to help him understand that I wasn’t even there when it happened, but I don’t think he got what I was saying. H-he then called over the speaker for a doctor, but none were there so he called Bob to get bandages and to come up there…all this time I am trying to keep pressure on the cut and keep Frank awake and talking, but I don’t think it was working. His eyes were all rolling around and stuff…it was scary as hell. When Bob got up there with a first aid kit Gerard started to try to pull me away from Frank, telling me that I was gonna end up hurting him. When I finally let go Gerard put me in a chair and s-started locking door and stuff. I watched Bob cleaning Frank’s cut. They were deep and needed stitches, I could tell cause my mother is a nurse. I told Bob that and he gets this kinda rusty needle out of the kit and looks it over. I don’t know how I got over to him so fast, but I took the needle from him and told him to get a clean one. He came back a second later and I…I put alcohol on the needle to clean it and threaded it and started to…to try to stitch Frankie up. I…it was a lot harder to do than I thought…and a lot tougher than quilting…but I finally got it closed and started looking for some aspirin for his head cause it looked like he had hit that somehow. While I was searching the case I heard Bob and Gerard talking, something about a line being down. I didn’t know what that meant at first, but it didn’t take a rocket scientist to guess that the phone lines were down. I asked if anyone had a cell…cause mine was dead and Frank had left his at home. Bob shook his head but Gerard checked his pocket thankful someone remembered it…but it was dead too…um…he tried to plug it in and it still didn’t work…so he looked at the battery to see if it was in right…but it…it wasn’t there…"
Voice two: "What wasn’t there?"
Voice one: "The battery…the battery was gone. We didn’t know how but it was! I…and then…then the power went out! It was like it was cut…it went all at once except for the emergency lights. I told Gerard to let us out that one of us could run to the police, but he said that once we were in lock down mode only the police can let us out…so…so we were all trapped there until morning…can I stop now…I am tired…"
Voice two: "Yes…we will pick up tomorrow."
End tape one for Patient #052888
Tape 2 Session 2 Patient #051078
Voice one: "Where do you want me to start this time?"
Voice two: "Why not where you left off. With the phone lines being cut."
Voice one: "Oh, well after that I felt kinda panicked, talking to Bob about it but Jordan was starting to get herself together and said to try our cell phones. Bob didn’t have one, but I did. I tried it though and it was dead. I went up to my office over register one to get my charger, but that didn’t work either. I, um, checked to see if the battery was sitting right in the back on the phone and saw that it was gone. I didn’t really understand it…cause I had not taken the phone out of my pocket all night since I had left the house. I mean…it was kinda…you know…"
Voice two: "Scary Mr. Way?"
Voice one: "Yeah…that…it was bad. I had just enough time to turn and show it to Bob and Jordan when the lights went out. Jordan screamed, I think Bob and I did too…it was…startling. Anyway, Jordan told me to let us out…and I wanted to, but I couldn’t. When…when we are in lockdown mode only the police or a main manager can let us out…and I didn’t have the key…that was the worst thing about it…that we were trapped and it was because the young manager was there."
Voice two: "I am sure you did what you should have Mr. Way."
Voice one: "Yeah…whatever. Anyway, our emergency lights only work for about thirty minuets then they cut out. So we had to decide whether we wanted to sit in the dark or if we wanted to have someone go and check the breaker in the back of the store. I volunteered to do it, but Jordan didn’t want me to go alone. I told her…I said she should stay with Frank and Bob could protect the two of them…but she didn’t like that idea. I finally asked her if she was thinking of coming with me and she said that it would be the best idea cause then who ever was doing it couldn’t ambush me. I told her that the guy probably had already gone, but she was stubborn. That’s probably why she and Frank were such a nice duo…um…s-so…I took her with me, but I grabbed some walkie talkies first so we could keep in touch with Bob, and we went toward the back of the store. You never really notice how big something is until you’re are stumbling through it in the dark. Jordan was clinging to my arm, talking to Bob every few seconds to let him know we were okay and where we were. We were just passing the clothes stuff when Bob said something about Frank seeming to be coming around…Jordan looked like she was about to cry she was so happy. She told Bob to let her talk to him, and he said he would…but then…then the other side went dead…it wasn’t sudden either. There was a sound…like a clatter. Jordan looked at me to see what I thought…but I didn’t know what to say. I mean…we were really far from them…and part of me thought…part thought that if it came right down to it Jordan and I could just hide all night if we had to. And part of me…part thought that maybe…maybe if I had to…I would let them have Jordan too. I-isn’t that…isn’t that sick…but…but I couldn’t help it…I was fucking scared…I wanted out and I…I couldn’t get out…I…I…I think I wanna leave."
Voice two: "Mr. Way…the session is not over yet."
Voice one: "Yes…yes it is! I want out of here! I am done!"
* screech of metal *
Voice two: "Mr. Way! Stop! We are not done here!!"
* door slams *
End of tape 2 session 2 for Patient #051078
Tape for session 2 for Patient #052888
Voice two: "How are you today Miss Lee?"
Voice one: "Better…I took the meds and slept. I think it helped a lot."
Voice two: "Good to hear it. May we begin then?"
Voice one: "Yes, I mean…sure. Where should I start today?"
Voice two: "How about you start with you and Gerard leaving Bob and Frank?"
Voice one: "Oh-okay…um…well Gerard had wanted to go alone to the breaker box but…but I didn’t want him to. I mean…what if whatever hurt Frank was still out there waiting for us to leave the safety of our numbers. Gerard got mad, said something about me going with him…so I did. I mean…it was better if I did because I mean…what if the guy only attacked Frank cause he was alone? I mean…if Gerard had me with him then maybe the guy would leave us both alone. I didn’t tell Gerard that, but I think he understood that I wouldn’t take no for an answer. So he grabbed some walkie-talkies and we headed toward the breaker box with our flashlights and stuff. We were about half way through the store, me talking none stop to Bob, when he said that Frankie was waking up. I must have stopped moving cause Gerard was a pretty good ways in front of me so that he had to double back when he heard my cheer. I asked Bob if I could talk to him…to hear it for myself. He said sure…but…but that’s the last thing I heard. I…I…mean from Bob. After that there was this kinda…click…like the walkie-talkie had been dropped, and then silence. Me and Gerard looked at one another, Gerard was gripping my arm really tightly like he was ready to run and drag me with him as far as we could go. Then…then I heard him…I heard him scream. * soft sobbing *"
Voice two: "Miss Lee, do you want to stop?"
Voice one: "It was Bob…and he screamed ‘No!’ so loud it frightened me. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to help, but I was frozen. G-Gerard finally got me moving when he started to run towards the sound, but…when we got there it was too late…he was gone and…and Frank was holding Bob’s box cutter. It even had his name on it…I…I had painted it on it cause he kept losing it…W-I…I asked Frank what happened and he said…he said that it was Bob…Bob had hurt him…I mean…how could he have he was always so…so nice. But Frank…he was all shaken up by what was going on…I dunno. It wasn’t long after that when the cops came…it seemed that the lock down mode called the cops automatically. They took Frank from us and asked us a lotta questions. Gerard and I…we were really scared…I mean I know I was…I just wanted to go home…I still can’t believe Bob is gone…and that he did it…
Voice two: "Thank you Miss Lee. You are finished."
Voice one: "Can I go see Frankie now?"
Voice two: "Yes dear, I will walk you there myself."
End of tape 2 session 2 for Patient #052888
Tape 3 for session 3 Patient #051078
Voice one: "This is bullshit! You know what happened!"
Voice two: "Yes, but we want to hear it from you. Now…where do you want to start?"
Voice one: "Can I just end it here?"
Voice two: "If you insist Mr. Way."
Voice one: "I do! Alright, so…after the walkie went dead we heard this like…terrifying scream come from up there. Jordan kinda froze against me and…I dunno…I just kinda started walking with her towards the front. When we got there Frank was standing over Bob, more like leaning, with Bob’s box cutter. He had tears in his eyes, saying something about how Bob had attacked him earlier. I kinda talked him into putting the box cutter down and stepping away from Bob. He looked sick, so Jordan and I both put our jackets around him to keep him warm and everything cause the heat wasn’t on in the building anymore. I guess we abandoned our search for the breaker box, but that was okay because about thirty minuets later the cops pulled up and let us out. The damn doors were not even locked anymore cause once the power was gone the locks went with them. The police took Jordan and I downtown and questioned us a lot…but in the end they thought that our stories were the truth and that nothing had happened…at least nothing we did caused this ya know?"
Voice two: "Yes Mr. Way, I know quite well."
Voice one: "You know what’s scary though…the worst part…the lights and phone being gone…it wasn’t anyone’s fault see…cause it was storming outside. Ice and all that shit and that is what cause those to go down. But…but how were we to know? I mean…we couldn’t have right? I…its not our…my fault that it happened…right?"
Voice two: "No Mr. Way…you did your best. And…to be honest you probably saved Miss Lee."
Voice one: "Lee? Oh…Jordan…yeah well…I hope she sees it that way…can…can I go see her?"
Voice two: "Yes Mr. Way…she should be visiting Mr. Iero at the moment. We can go now."
End of session 3 for Patient #051078
End Report:
This was a cold-blooded murder gone wrong. Mr. Bryar meant to kill Mr. Iero, and perhaps even Mr. Way and Miss Lee, but was stopped before he could finish it. The lights and phone services being cut were the fault of a winter storm and nothing else. There are still questions, but the big holes have been filled.
* note: Mr. Way’s phone battery going missing was the fault of his brother who traded out batteries without telling his brother or giving his brother his other battery *
- - - -
Frank’s POV
It was a normal night, nothing going on and no one in the store. Jordan and I were goofing off like usual, so it was nothing special. About two hours or so into our shift she says she has to go to the bathroom and asks me to watch the front. I think about saying no and having her pled with me, looking at me with those big dark eyes, but I don’t. After all, its not like I am busy. She smiles and says thanks then leaves me to go to the back of the store to the bathroom. I watch for her to come back and I see her as she passes the frozen food, then the clothes, then she is at pet supplies…and she stops. I bend over the register to see why she stopped and I notice Bob standing there talking to her. At first that’s it and, though I am a little jealous, it is not that bad but then I start noticing little things in their body language. Like the fact that Bob was leaning closer to Jordan or that Jordan kept putting her hair behind her ears. That is her nervous tick, the one she does when she is nervous…or likes a boy. I swear I would kill to see her do that when she talks to me…
Before to long Bob takes her arm and walks with her out of my sight. I can only imagine what they were doing there. I mean…it wouldn’t be that hard…for them to start screwing around back there. I mean, Jordan and I did a lot of things and never got caught…not stuff like what Bob could be doing…but still. My blood boiled just thinking about it. Bob just couldn’t have her…Jordan was mine. We were always there for one another…I got her this damn job and he couldn’t just take her from me now…I wouldn’t let him.
I looked around me for a distraction, anything. I walked toward the first register and there I found it. Bob had left his box cutter behind again. It wasn’t the safest bet…but I thought that maybe…maybe I could make it work. I mean…if Jordan thought that Bob attacked me after she went to piss she would hate him forever…right?
I walked slowly toward my register and opened the blade. It looked really sharp, and I knew it would hurt…but I wanted Jordan all to myself. I slowly pressed the knife into my flesh right above my shoulder joint and kinda pulled it at a weird angle…so no one could tell I did it, then I stuffed it in my apron pocket. Everything got hazy after that as I blundered toward Jordan’s register, I must have hit my head or something cause all of a sudden it went black.
Third person POV (since Bob is dead)
Bob liked Jordan…she was really sweet and pretty. She was always around Frank though...and every time he tried to talk to her with him there he gave me this death glare so Bob tried to stay away but…but that night he saw his opportunity. He watched as Jordan walked away from the back of the store slowly moving toward him. When she reached where he was she stopped and turned toward him.
"Hey Bob! What are you up to?"
Bob was flustered…speechless.
Jordan laughed, putting her hair behind her ears as her cheeks blushed.
"Oh, well then I was just…I mean…I wanted to check on you…cause…cause its so boring and all…"
Bob smiled, she was nervous too! That made him feel a little bolder.
"Well, um, I have to feed some of the animals if you wanna help or something."
Jordan smiled, "sure…I mean…that sounds okay. Frank is watching the registers for me…so…so I will be okay to be here a while."
Bob smiled as he lead her into the pet section and toward some on the cages. Sadly for the animals their feeding time was cut short that night. Bob, half way through feeding the guinea pigs, turned to Jordan, who was feeding the rabbits, and pulled her toward him. Before he could say anything she had pressed her lips against his, wrapping her arms around his neck. When they parted it was she who spoke.
"Oh Bob…I…I have had a crush on you for so long…I…"
Her words were stolen with another kiss. It never moved beyond that, but that seemed only because they both knew that only a few feet away were both their boss and a fellow employee. Jordan finally pulled away, wishing she could stay.
"Hey…um…how about after work we um…go out somewhere? I mean…unless you got something to do with Frank."
Jordan smiled shyly, "no…I can go with you. I…um…I will see you later…" She said with a parting kiss.
Bob was going to be on cloud nine for the rest of the night now. He stuck his headphones over his ears and cranked up his iPod while he finished feeding the animals. It was this reason why he was not the first to respond to Jordan’s scream…perhaps if he was they would have all gotten out alive.
Frank’s POV
When I woke up it was dark all around me except for a battery-powered lantern that was up at the front. I heard Jordan’s voice, but it was far away and garbled. I looked over and saw Bob with a walkie-talkie talking to Jordan on the other end. He said something about me coming around, Jordan asked to speak to me and he seemed a little hurt. I was glad, I mean…that means she still could want me or something…right? I heard Bob say something like ‘sure babe’ and she said,
"Thank you Bobbit."
I saw it then…a look of shear pleasure at her voice…her nickname for him…they wanted to be together. And I had to stop it…and I knew how now. When he was about to bring the walkie-talkie to my lips I shoved his hand away, causing him to drop it. He looked at me, puzzled.
"Hey Frank…you feeling okay buddy?"
"Don’t…buddy…me." I grunted as I raised up as well as I could.
"What are you talking about?" Bob asked as he helped me to stand. That was a mistake because when he was about to step away I took the box cutter from my apron and forced it into his side. In his shock he tried to move, but only slipped on my blood that was still on the floor and came crashing down to the ground. I then stood over him, still slightly dizzy from blood loss, but I was improving and I knew I had Jordan to thank for that. Bob looked up at me, his mind trying to figure out what was happening but it was too late. I knelt down wobbly at Bob’s head and took out the box cutter again.
"You. Can’t. Have. Her!" I grunted, giving him a shallow stab in his chest with every word. He let out a howl of pain, which came out in the word no, right before I slit his throat. By the time I had worked myself into a standing position Jordan and Gerard were rushing toward me. I allowed a few babbles of, ‘he did it’ to pass my lips and watched as the light of love left Jordan’s eyes. But that was okay, I can make her happy again.
After that though, the police came and questioned Gerard and Jordan a lot…but I was free to go. No one asks the hurt kid anything. After they were interrogated and set free the hospital where I am at wanted to speak to them and keep them for observation…trying to make sure it was all the truth and all that shit. It doesn’t matter though…cause everyone will just want to believe that it was Bob cause that leaves everything in a tidy bow. No loose ends, or at least a lot less loose ends. But, you are the only one who will know the truth little note book, and as soon as I can I will burn you up so no one will know. As I write in you Jordan in resting in a chair next to my bed, her head lying against her arms that are on my covers. I may tell her someday what I did to keep her for myself, but I don’t think she would understand it now. I hear someone coming…I think it’s the doctor with Gerard. Lately I have grown to dislike him…he says he comes to see me…but he only does it with Jordan is here. And when he is here…he looks at her the whole time…I don’t want to see it there so don’t think I am making trouble…but it is there. I see it now as he sits next to her and rouse her from her sleep. He wants her for himself…but I won’t let him have her…I just can’t let that happen. Ever!