Oct 09, 2006 19:04
This is a long tale and it is so old that it cant be know if it is factual or not. Listen well though children as it is the story of how all things came to be. Maybe at its completion and when you are old enough to know you will see why many things are the way they are.
"Not long after this dimension began to to spin free out in the cosmos a wandering entity decided that it was too empty and that there was much too much formless waste floating along in existence. As she wove her magics and spells to create the world into being she herself began to form into a defined structure, a true creature instead of the formless mass of power. Once finished a world was complete and bore the impression of her signature, the Goddess Benditaria, the World Mother and from her all things are created here.
Deep in the earth that first felt her touch another consciousness began to awaken. It soon realized its purpose, to shape and mold this land from its simple composition. Thus the God Uudon was born. From his mighty will the mountains were raised, the valleys lowered, and hills sprung to fill their allotted positions. Orderly creation must be maintained as Beditaria loves balance so she summoned forth Xilee to watch and arrange so that the world would fit smoothly together. But that was not the end of creation, as he worked another walked across the land. From the footsteps of the Mother along the ridges and mountain tops a new substance sprang forth, it rushed downward forging its own paths in the land until finally it begun to fill the deep crevasses and open areas left behind. In this large body the oceans were formed, and from here all sea life appeared along with its ruler the Goddess Lily.
She sent her touch sweeping across the land in the form of rain and storms and where these hit trees and plants blossomed and started to grow. Soon the forest and trees had taken hold in mighty groves across the land. And in these lush areas the first god to actually tread the land came to be, and with her the animals of the forest and land came forth. Soon the Goddess Cor'ru began to train and domesticate many of the animals and she created the Elves to keep her flocks companionship. This created an imbalance though so one night during a time of slumber Cor'ru split into two and the God Faudin was brought forth to control the untamed animals and rule over the unsettled wilderness.
Seeing the works of Cor'ru brought the now dormant Uudon back into life and action, with sweeps of his hands he drilled tunnels and caves and enclosures into his pristine earth. Breathing upon the stones that were broken loose during these changes he gave life to the Dwarves, Gnomes, and all manners of underground creatures. Again these drastic changes upset the balance of the world so the World Mother created Humans to live across the lands as the forests and caves were already inhabited, and she directed spells at the few Elves that had chosen a life of working the sea. These became the Sea Elves who could live as easily under the water as on the land so that all corners of creation would have thinking beings living there. She then cast her self into the heavens and brought forth the moon, Dilali, and its ruler the Goddess Seena so that even the land itself would not be lonely.
To prevent things from becoming stagnant and locked forever in its place she created the Goddess Voric to be and now things grew old and died and had to be replaced. This started creativity and art as those living didnt not wish to die, so they did their best to leave a mark in song or ideas so that they would live on in memory. From these songs sang to the sky formed the God Pyllan, to watch over the singers and those that wandered the land.
For some time nothing else had happened, but then the Humans created something now know as civilization. They built structures and settlements and law upon themselves. Other humans saw this and their prosperity and envied it, using the instruments they had constructed for hunting and farming they attacked and destroyed this first village. Their hatred summoned the God Barrm and in retaliation for this harm Seena wished to punish the humans for their actions. Her thoughts of outrage brought into being both the Gods Nerrik and G'ladim. Nerrik rushed into place to help defend those that would create cities and order while G'ladim smote the earth with his hammer and all those humans who had true evil in their hearts shifted and became the Orcs.
Meanwhile the Dwarves had reached the surface with their system of tunnels. The creatures of the underworld soon came into contact with a group of Elves. These Elves had seen what had been done by the humans and thought that these beings could not truly be creatures as they did not live from the land and they felt the tug of greed at the riches casually carried by the Gnomes. That night they prayed to the heavens for advice and their undirected, evil prayers were answered by a new creature, the Goddess Ai'ish'nar. Under guise of friendship and trade they followed the Gnomes back to one of their cities and seeing that it was splendid and strong assaulted it and brought it to its knees with their magic. Angered by the false promise of trade Pyllan bespoke G'ladim and the hand of justice as well found these Elves. From them the race of Dark Elves was born, banished to stay in the underground for a thousand years.
A Human worshiper of Voric learned of these battles from his goddess and found delight in the stories. He began many experiments and spells using innocent people that he could find, killing them off for his pleasure. In disgust he was dismissed by Voric but she could not act against him as it was not his time to meet judgement. Unchecked he brought terror, pain, and death to the people in his quest to understand and defeat death. Finally he succeed in casting a ritual that brought forth the power of undeath and the undead to the world. Immediately he was seized by Benditaria for his works, to prevent him from any new discovery she granted him the place of godhood so that with all the knowledge he wished he would not cause any more direct harm. That man was now the God Lon.
As tribes become cities and cities cause friction and jealousy over land and goods and wealth and Barrms followers could not find ways to breach their defenses with mindless slaughter a new way was needed. A leader in one of the fortress villages had an idea and created the use of tactics and drilled the first true army. With it he reached out and captured several nearby towns and placed himself in control of them. But in the course of his conquest many were killed, including the entire family of a young girl. She vowed that he would be dealt with and that as the God of Justice had done nothing someone else would have to. Eventually she made it into his strong hold and into his chambers, with a sword she found nearby she attacked him. He was able to restrain her and strangled the life from her body, with her last breaths she managed to run her blade through hes unguarded throat. Both dead the touch of the Mother brought them into the heavens, thus were born the God Ossil, creator of true conquest and the Goddess Kray. So that even the Gods would realize that there may be a price to pay for their actions and that no one was above retaliation. And to try and prevent such an occurrence from happening the Goddess Bella was conjured to protect mothers and families and to create the feeling of love so that it might be possible for people to coexist.
Soon Bella, being the goddess of mothers, had twin sons, being the first born gods it was not known what they would do. Both loved to play games, not only games but to play with the creatures of the world. Wyln hated the fact that the world had become so secure and locked up due to the battles and fear. So he began to liberate items from the most secure locations. To him it was only a game and good fun, but it soon drew him a large following of thieves and such. So he became the God Wyln of thieves. Being only a child he hated being worshipped by so many things much taller than him so he changed all his most devout followers in halflings so that they would be on the same level. On the other hand though Talish preferred to trick and cause dissension in the peoples and start conflict whenever possible. This angered his mother Bella and in punishment she turned him into the first dragon, a green. That did not stop him though, in fact the terror caused by his new form as he walked across the land gave him a new idea to create chaos. He spawned all the evil dragons of the world and released them to create what havoc they could, the green dragon grew to be the God Talish.
Frustrated by the release of another evil upon her world and coming to the realization that evil had a greater impact upon the balance of the world the World Mother Benditaria brought her last know act to the world from that indignation she created the God Tamin to wage ceaseless war on the evils of the world. With him he brought the good dragons to guard against the minions of Talish and his followers became to be know as paladins for the good works they did across the land."
And that is the story of the creation of our world as best remembered and told down by the ancestors of the bards. It has been nearly a thousand years since its first telling and while things have not been perfect since then, and arent now with the wandering bands of Orcs and other humanoids, the raids by the Sparrows Fang army, and chaos caused by the settling of the elemental planes you can see that the world is a much better place now than it was in those times. Now go and play, there will be time for more study later.....