if you happen to stumble upon this someday, please don't bother responding, i don't need it. things can never be the same again, i've aged and i've changed even in the little time things have been different. they're not as wonderful, at least not for me anyways, everything has this dull grey about it now, and everything seems like it was swallowed up in some tide. we all have our reasons, and i've been through it a million times before, but i've never felt a part of something or that something was a part of me as much as my time spent with you, those days will be emblazened in gold in my heart forever but i usually let the memories pass. it pains me greatly, alot of times when i'm alone i get choked up, i never have anything to say, and for the most part i still don't. i don't want any words and i don't want any comfort, what is is always going to be what is. everyone has a long path to walk...as for those months, it will always be the only true connection with a friend i've ever had.
i will learn to fly as high as angels and as low as the rest of you.