I'm taking the week to try to get a sketch of no consequence done each day, so gimmie prompts and I'll try to get a new one done everyday this week! No promises since I do have real life work to get done too but I want to try, I feel rusty!
I posted this on DA too, but you guys probably know me better here so you know what I know and what I don't. Anyway it can eb any of my OCs, your OCs if I know them, or fanart of existing characters, I just need to actually like/know the series. If you don't know if I know something you can always try anyway ha ha ha.
Thanks guys, if I don't get any great prompts expect stupid boring sketches of things no one but me gives a shit about.
Oh I re-opened my formspring too:
http://www.formspring.me/AndBabelFell So if you have any herp derpy or srs bsns art questions or anything you wanna ask, go ahead XD