Nov 06, 2006 20:46
So you know, this is just venting. I DON'T intend to do anything about it, nor do I wish ANYONE too. I just wanted to get it out there so I can know that I'm not the only one who thinks that this is utterly stupid. Let him wallow in his stupidity, because he wouldn't understand (by his own fault) any argument against him.
Okay, everyone so far has had a turn to complain about ass-holes they have to deal with in school (not that I'm complaining), so I figure it's about time to get this one off my chest: There's some dumbass I see most mornings before my English class, the kind who feels that he's better than the rest of the world (and particularly, apparently, his professors...), because he's entered college after having tried his hand in the working world. Well, I hate to be this way, because personally I like to feel that everyone is entitled to they're oppinnions just as much as I am to mine, but Jesus, this guy needs to give the whole superiority complex a break, before he accidentally headbutts God (if you believe in that kind of thing)and we're all fucked. This actually happened a little bit ago, but I let it pass because of exhaustion and the fact that I had other things to worry about, but he just doesn't shut up. EVER. And the person he constantly talks to doesn't care either (I'm surprised HE can't tell, but he's too busy trying to push the shit out of his mouth to clean his ears, anyway). Anyways, he stated that he "finally understands the english department", and that they're all trying to brainwash everyone to be liberals. He went on about how the professors try to justify their uselessness by trying to "pull new students into their leberal bullshit", and how they only seem to be depressed because they know that its not working. Well, I was kind of pissed, but I keep my mouth shut, there's no point arguing with this kind of person, and besides, as I said, if he feels that way, so be it. bleah. He's said a few more things since then, being a general dumbass about certain forms of literature, and flaunting his ignorance like the whole cerebral hygiene crap was still a good idea (For those of you who don't know, that means purposefully not exposing yourself to anything other than your own beiliefs and ideas for the sake of preservation of your own perfection [*cough*arrogance*cough*]). For instance, almost trying not to care about the pronunciation of "Terran", and saying alien words with the intention of fumbling them, as though it'll instantly "degrade him" to the level of these "obviously virgin" proffessors.
I guess I'm so pissed off about it not becasue so pathetic a creature actually persists, but because that train of thought is the most prevalent incubation for the traditional bigoted homophobe (yes, I may be homophobic, but for me, I don't translate it into hatred. It's an actual psychological thing for me, and one I would gladly rid myself of if given the chance. I hate being uncomfotable about so harmless a thing. I see nothing wrong with non-heterosexuality in any arena: political, ethical, or societal.), the kind that spawns adverse racism or implicit xenophobia that ALL humans should have long since evolved byond.
Bleah, sorry that was so long, but damn, it's people like THAT that are ruining the world, by their lack of understanding. Their tenacity must be admired, but never emulated.