Aug 07, 2009 19:33
So I was just sitting here with my headphones on (but nothing playing) still trying to catch up on my communities when I heard a weird rhythmic noise. Thinking it's coming from the open window, I turned around. The noise is still off to my left. I keep turning and all of a sudden A MOTHERFUCKING DOG trots right through my office towards the window, panting. I, of course, panic, because that's what I do when I'm pregnant and there's A MOTHERFUCKING DOG trotting through my office slash nursery. I start yelling Beardo's name, he rushes in thinking my water broke or some shit, can't figure out what's going on, until I get out DOG DOG DOG. Now, this dog is actually cute, fluffy, and completely nonobjectionable except for the dog breath, so this is hilarious. He picks up the dog--no struggle, just panting--and puts him back out the (open) back door, from whence he came, and we watch him trot off while I try to get my hyperventilation under control.
And now, there's some kid outside yelling something that sounds like MEATLOAF, and a minivan blocking our driveway, and the dog circling outside the van.
UPDATE: I just stuck my head outside and the woman driving the van says OH I'M WAITING FOR (NEIGHBOR) so I say okay, but there's a dog circling your van OH I KNOW, HE'S BACK INSIDE THE VAN NOW. WTF, lady, you park outside my house, block the driveway, and let your dog roam around enough to get into a stranger's house while you yap on your cell phone or whatever? What if we had locked him in the bathroom and called animal control?
omg cute,