I spend a lot of time driving through crappy neighborhoods on the bus line, but if you've spent any time rubbing elbows of the youth of today, I'm sure you've noticed the clothing trend where people wear shirts emblazoned with the image of Al Pacino doing his most memorable ham role, that of Tony Montana from the movie Scarface. Before I go any further, here's my nominee for the single most gauche piece of clothing I've ever seen in this noxious category:
Sure, it doesn't have any sequins of rhinestones glued on to simulate bling, but I think that's going to be addressed in next year's version.
So the kids wear this because first off, it makes them look tough to identify with a make-believe person. Pretending is always bad-ass, ladies and gentlemen. Secondly, the image of Tony Montana is something these dickweed losers aspire to; have lots of money, lots of jewels, flashy clothes, flashy cars and a woman with a uterus so perforated from blow, she can't spew out any more illegitimate illiterate abominations upon the world. Okay, whatever. Not the first time impressionable kids have wanted to kow-tow to fashion like spasmatic lemmings.
However, I also think that many of these kids have either never seen or don't remember two very important scenes in the movie. Number one, the scene where Tony's brother gets chainsawed to death in a crappy shower right in front of his eyes, and secondly the ending, where our "little friend" gets filled so full of lead, you could use his dick as a pencil.
So while more enlightened people say you shouldn't judge somebody on appearances, in this case you can make an exception with a worry-free conscience. Oh, and I know I said "kids" during the course of this screed, but this applies ten times as much to adults as well. If you see a forty-five year-old man walking around in one of these, you can safely assume that either he's been to jail or his kids have been.
Don't tell me I'm wrong, because I'm not.