Apr 28, 2004 13:43
Still feeling tons better despite lack of sleepage this morning. Didn't actually sleep until about half five &woke up at about quarter to nine, but nevermind, at least it's actual sleep &my throat infection seems to be clearing up now. I finished my course of antibiotics this morning so if I'm still coughing &stuff tomorrow I'll give NHS Direct a ring &see what they say about it, it could just be residual infection ickiness or the fact that I've still got a touch of cold. Think I might have to go into uni tomorrow for a couple of hours for Research Methods to do the next computer exercise. I hope it's next week but I think it's this one. I know last week we had to hand in the research report ::goes to check:: ...
w00t! It's not til next week. I should definitely be back at uni by then. Until then I need to start researching the cognitive coursework, &I'm also going to have a nice long bath &wash my hair today since I've felt too ill &stuffed up with ick to do either. I know it's disgusting, but YOU try giving a fuck when you're as weak as a kitten due to sleep deprivation &everything hurts. :P
Also, I found something out today which was pretty disturbing, but on the plus side that &stuff that I read in peoples' LJs (I think you know who you are), &being ill, has really made me think about how lucky I am to be alive &to be able to enjoy my life. I take far too much stuff for granted &I get stressed over stupid crap that really doesn't matter, &it could be SO much worse.