Apr 22, 2004 23:50
I'm going to the doctors tomorrow to see if they can give me anything for my cough. Right now I've been awake for the last 35 hours with half an hour's sleep because I can't actually get to sleep for coughing. Apparently there are good drugs that can be taken so you cough MUCH less; hopefully these'll help me sleep, but they can cause trembling &such, so if I'm not on MSN or on here in the next few days it's either because I'm asleep or because I'm too doped up to be able to type.
But yay I have raspberry &echinacea tea. I'm hoping this will help a lot because it's fruit (healthiness) &has echinacea in (also healthiness, &good to combat colds &flus a lot of the time).
I think I'm seriously going to have to have a reappraisal of my lifestyle &especially my diet once this has gone; my immune system is blatantly fucked &I can't be doing with getting this fucking cold/cough back once or twice a year like I had before, it's utterly horrible. I don't know if I've mentioned this before but my symptoms at last count are;
[x] barking, hacking cough that is so forceful it has in the past burst blood vessels in my throat &made me cough up blood. It's also putting strain on my sinuses, outside of my throat, my stomach muscles &ribs hurt so much due to strained/pulled muscles that lying in anything but the foetal position hurts like fuck. &the INSIDE of my throat feels like someone has been rubbing it with glasspaper.
[x] blood coming out of my nose when I blow it (not all the time, but sometimes, &I get this often anyway, but it's worse now due to cold)
[x] sinus pains (I get these a lot when I don't have cold too).
So there's probably some kind of infection there too which I'll need antibiotics for.