Went to Office Depot to buy a monitor that's on sale, and the super rude old lady behind the counter told me they're out of stock, so I politely asked if the other stores had it, and she rudely checked and rudely told me no. Whatever, old cashier lady at Office Depot. Thanks for paying my disability. *three snaps in a Z formation*
Want to learn to sew, but the last time I had a sewing machine was years ago and I returned it because I kept jamming it. The sewing machine my mom got me for Christmas in 2009 is still unopened, and I feel guilty (I didn't ask for it so don't project guilt through the internet onto me I CAN FEEL IT YOU BETTER STOP).
Got a purple username man from ONTD.
zombiecop. See. Pimp as fuck on this.
Probably mentioned it forever ago, but I quit school in Ferburary and got F's all up on my TRANS AM SCRIPT. (Transcripts can go to the fuckin back of the bus, Trans Am Scripts are where it's at.) Anyway, idgaF about filling out withdrawal paperwork, so I'm just gonna roll with them F's. Shiiiit, a 3.6 cumulative GPA? That is a mothafuckin B+. I can live with that. I ain't buildin fuckin kitten houses or some shit, I don't need to be worryin about no kitten safety. A B+ is fine.