Jun 29, 2005 19:13
Sweet Breast of the Lord! My life has been totally interesting for the past few months.
Interesting and busy, which I guess is why I haven't yet taken a moment to breathe and write it down in this amazing journal. But now I'm here, eating a delicious cheesesteak from Drexel Jill Jr. and I'm ready to vent.
We'll start out with my older brother, Ed. He was going to jail on the weekends for DUI. It was supposed to be for i think 3 months of just going on the weekends. While he had this punishment he would be drug tested every week. Well, one day Mr. Ed decides he can trick the piss test with one of those "clensing kits" you buy online, and smoked up. A little note to anyone out there thinking of using one of those, THEY DON'T WORK. And now he's in jail for 3 months straight (unless the lawyer can get him out early, and seeing as how he's been in there for almost 2 months already, its looking doubtful).
Bill and Bob, the younger brothers, both failed high school and seem like they couldn't care less. I wish their story was more interesting, but its not. Other than that they're exactly the same.
My dad was down the shore for the whole summer, like he usually is (which is why I always love summer vacation so much). This yea was different because he was never coming home for the little reasons that he usually does (doctor appointments, special occasions, etc.) When he called home one day and said he was in DE, my mom figured he was having a mid-life crisis. My grandmother's reaction to him being in DE..."HE'S HAVING AN AFFAIR! I'M NOT STUPID. I KNOW WHAT MEN ARE LIKE!"
It turns out, Dear Old Granny was right. My dad is the scum of the earth and has been sleeping with (obviously) the stupidest, most cracked-up woman alive. Mom's finding a lawyer. Dad's fucked.
And Me!...
Well, I'm actualy doing well. It's strange. My family is falling apart around me, but its not affecting me in the least. Not in any bad ways at least. I think it shows you how messed up my life actually id (if you ever doubted) that we don't care that the family is doomed. I don't think any of us ever had much hope for it to survive.
Another weird thing.
My family (whats left of it anyway) seems to be closer now. Like, my mom and I actually have conversations about life. Ed, from what I hear, is going to prayer group in jail, and is working on being a "better person". I think there's finally some sense of unity and loyalty now. And I definetely feel like I'm grown up now. Someone once said something like "The moment you become an adult is the moment you realize your parents are people". At least I think someone once said something like that, or maybe it was on a TV show. Either way, i'm sure I butchered what they were trying to say.