In which our heroine loses a bith of faith in humanity

Mar 20, 2010 20:52

The weather has been nice the last few days. Consequently, elbaz and I have taken a couple of nice long walks. Strangely enough, something kind of horrific happened on both walks.

Firstly, last night we were strolling down a rather busy street near our house and were yelled at by a passing car. It was a young guy (late teens or early twenties) who I'm sure was with one of his buddies who screamed out the window, "Damn, your baby is ugly!" He was obviously quite proud of himself and his comment.

It really actually bothered me which is something I hate about myself; I do take the comments of jerks seriously sometimes. But, it didn't bother me because I think he was right. Gods anyone who's seen my son in real life would tell you that. lol What bothered me was that it seems to be funny for this guy to randomly insult a perfect stranger. Why is that funny? Why is it seen as okay to be randomly cruel to someone?

It reminds me of a conversation I had with some of my students a few weeks ago. I corrected one of them on his use of the term "midget" and he asked why we had to be "PC" (How I hate this term and the misuse and misunderstanding of it!!!) when there weren't even any little people in the room. I asked if we had to have representatives from all minorities present just to be conscious of their feelings. He stared at me blankly. I asked the class what was wrong with just trying to be a kind person. What's wrong with treating others with respect just because you'd like the same? They said sometimes it was just fun to be mean.

I'm not saying I don't understand that, because I'm not some Babe in the Woods type person, but the existence of that attitude makes me sad.

Then, today, while we were walking our son and dog alongside the river on a really heavily used path, our dog was attacked by another dog. I'm talking like this Boxer bitch wrenched out of her obviously badly secured leash and lunged at Opus. She attacked him twice in fact and elbaz had to keep bodily pulling her off of him. The owners, two female hillbillies, were doing their best but obviously had no control over their dog. They apologized profusely and Opus seems to be just fine but it really scared Rowan and pissed me off! They claimed she's never done anything like this before. I call bullshit.

Sometimes, people just suck!!
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