I was goggling around for pictures to include in my upcoming THE BATMAN OF ZUR EN ARRH: WHY YOU SHOULD LOVE HIM post, and came across this.
Random point: descriptions of the Joker as "smaller" than Batman are fucking suspect, and/or lazy, and/or buying into some bullshit uke/seme shit. Comics!Joker is basically always taller, though Bats is obviously way more beefcake-y and generally wider. The only exception to this I can think of is Frank Miller Joker and Batman, because everyone there is Frank Miller super sized, and the Joker looks a little like Marv in facepaint. I choose to think of this comic as playing out on a TV with slightly whacked out settings that stretch everything out horizontally.
What about Nolanverse, you say? HEATHUS was an inch (or an inch and a half?) taller than Senor Bale is. And I am going to post a motherfucking picspam to explain why describing Heath!Joker as "slight" is sheer madness. The man had delightful shoulders. And pretty nice thighs. And I have way too many pictures of Heath Ledger on my harddrive(s). Also Gaspard Ulliel, but that has nothing to do with Batman.
But yeah, the Batman of Zur Eh Arrh. BATMAN IN A PURPLE CAPE. Just Batman! No Bruce!
Am I the only person who thinks Batman R.I.P. is hella slashy?