crack the whip, shapeshift and trick the past again

Aug 29, 2011 15:17

So last night, right before dinner, I got a bitch of a headache and then proceeded to throw up approximately the entire universe. Cue angst over "is it parasites, or is it rebleeding brain tumor and oh fuck I'm dying AND I'LL NEVER GET TO GO TO DRAGON CON EVVVEEERRR WHY OH GOD."

Anyhoo, a couple of puking sessions, a hell of a fever, and a bitch of a headache later, I'm chilling on my couch and, you know, it's cool. Still headache-y, but definitely not dying in anything but the normal woe is us, mortal flesh, goth poetry kind of way.

Boyfriend is lawyering from home today, because he set an alarm for every 30 minutes last night, all night, to check on me. He does this by asking comic book questions. I am in love, okay, just so you all know.

Oh, yeah, so. I probably caught whatever I have from Bungie, who was just moved into the isolation kennels because he's sick.

DAMNIT, Bungie. I have to learn to not let dogs lick my face all the time.


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