HAPPY JOE QUESADA IS NO LONGER RUNNING MARVEL DAY, KIDS. Apparently this might have not happened today. Whatever. Today is when I found out about it and I will CELEBRATE FOREVER.
Quesada, for those of you who don't know, is one of those totally shit writers who can take a perfectly neat idea--say,
X-23--and then go, "HURR HURR, you know what would be awesome? IF WE MADE HER A WHORE. Brilliant!"
Because given super strength and healing factor and fighting skills, that's totally the logical career path. Oh, and let's make her emotionally wrecked and mute, too.
Dudes like Joe: YOU ARE WHAT IS WRONG WITH CONTEMPORARY COMICS. Kevin Smith, who took my beloved Black Cat and retconned her origin story so that she was raped by a frat boy? I'M LOOKING AT YOU. Frank Miller? I am kind of looking at you, but mostly you fuck up your own universe, so it's okay, and I've come to terms with All Star Batman and Robin is being published crack!fic, which, really, should give all us slashers hope that one day someone with power will go, "hey, let's do a one shot where the Joker and Batman hook up," and then we can all fight for the honor. I'll be bringing my knives, okay?
Apparently Joe will still be way important (boo), and he'll be running the cartoons and shit, but I've never fallen in heart-explodey love with any of the Marvel animated movies like I have for, say, JLA: Crisis ( ♥ OWLMAN ♥ ), so that's probably okay for me. Also, likelihood of animated whores seems lower. And maybe, maybe, we can fucking stop all the ridiculous big event shit. CIVIL WAR WAS SHIT. Secret Invasion was also pretty bad.
Somehow, my marvel favorite--Namor, Prince of fucking Atlantis and all around super megabadass--made it through this decade mostly unscathed. Mostly. Also, under Joe's reign, somehow Greg Pak managed to burst onto the scene and do amazing things with Hulk and Herc and
that Asian hottie that is clearly my comic book boyfriend.
Aaand some links:
http://tomfoss.blogspot.com/2006/05/joe-quesada-is-dumbass.htmlhttp://www.metafilter.com/67921/The-Devil-and-Joe-Quesada-Made-Him-Do-It None of which mention how Joe is a typical nerd misogynist, but, whatevs, believe you me.
The above cut is short and ends with hilarious links.