(no subject)

Apr 30, 2009 18:57

I'm in desperate need of money right now. Like, so bad that if we don't make some extra money somehow, we might not make it through the month. So, reluctantly, I am opening up commissions.

As I'm doing this because I need money and not because I need practice (though I DO need some practice...) I would very much appreciate being paid at least something for drawings I do under commission. However, I have NO FREAKING CLUE what anyone would want to pay for something I've drawn/created, so I'll leave that up to you guys. You comment here/PM me with what you want, I'll make it for you, and you decide what you want to pay me for it when you see it.

Things I Can Do
• Drawings (Colored or Uncolored).
• Icons/Icon sets.
• LiveJournal layouts.
• Banners.
• Other Assorted Graphics.

Things I Will Not Do/Draw
• Any graphic material (violent/sexual).
• Robots/mechanical things.

Things I Might Try
• Animated images.
• Animals, but I may not be very good at them.

Assorted Notes
• If I am drawing something for you and I am not familiar with that particular fandom/character, or if it is an original character, please link me to an image of what you are requesting.
• If I am making any sort of graphic for you and you would like a certain image used in the graphic, please link that to me as well.


For examples of drawings, refer to my DeviantArt gallery.

For examples of graphics, refer to my LiveJournal for a layout header I colored/etc. myself, or check here and search zombiebanana to look at some layouts I have created.

commission, money, graphics

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