LJ closed - 3 years active THANK YOU!

Mar 31, 2010 20:04

Thank you so much for following my icons! but sadly Zombie Violence came to an end but don't be sad you can still see my creations here (wineandpearls ) !

So guys, I've been passing this through my mind long ago ; First I didn't knew what to do with ZV because here I have lots of stuff that I wouldn't like to lose but at the same time is stuff that I don't want to remember because most of it hurts like stuff from my first love and so on and it's been almost a year and I'm still in the process of healing , I wanted to keep this LJ just clean it and pretend everything was okay but I couldn't I just felt like the same girl that I was 3 years ago and I'm not, I didn't liked that feeling even when having my icons here and so many people liking them I just couldn't keep it.

ZV was a great experience, it's the first time I've been so active on LJ 3 years! and making icons and posting to communities was great I mean when I first started with and LJ I was to ashamed of showing my graphics but no i'm not and that's an awesome feeling (: because I like to share my stuff.

I kind of left this to die... it's been a long time since I posted icons and I didn't like that feeling I felt like betraying someone and that's not a good feeling, believe me so I wanted to start from the scratch that's why I decided to open a new LJ I know all of this might sound very dramatic but I just felt like explaining why this sudden news and of course I didn't want to left Zombie Violence just died at last I wanted it to be special just like it always was so here I am, saying goodbye to an old part of my life and inviting you to the new one I'd really like you to be part of it (: so I'll be waiting you on my new home (wineandpearls ) thanks!

Love, Ali ♥


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