♠ 005 - In my arms, she dies. ♠

Mar 18, 2008 19:53

[is walking with his hands deep in his pockets. He looks up suddenly, spotting a brown-haired woman standing on the cliff by the river, wearing an outfit that is painfully familiar, even though he hasn't seen her for probably a year & a half... not alive, at least]


[blinks in surprise, walking closer, ignoring the crippled landscape ( Read more... )

plot: ghost ship, angstangstangst, inner demons, sam the kicked puppy, past sins

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belligerency March 19 2008, 03:41:49 UTC


zombie_pen March 19 2008, 03:48:59 UTC
[half turns his head to the sound of Dean's voice, but is still pretty much consumed by the illusion, stepping closer to the ghost of Madison, apologies tumbling from his lips in a steady stream, tears running down his cheeks]


belligerency March 19 2008, 23:03:02 UTC
[Dean, however, can see where Sam's headed, and is trying desperately to get closer without stepping into the line of danger] Sam! Sam, it's not real! Get down here!


zombie_pen March 20 2008, 01:12:33 UTC
[faintly hears Dean's voice, pausing for a minute, tilting his head, still looking at Madison, reaching for her]


belligerency March 20 2008, 01:13:46 UTC
[okay, really yelling now]



zombie_pen March 20 2008, 01:26:35 UTC
[his hand falters, inches away from touching Madison, blinking in confusion]

... Dean?

[turns his head, the tears obvious on his cheeks]

Madison's here, Dean...


belligerency March 20 2008, 01:29:23 UTC
[Sam's ... oh, shit.]

No, she's not. You've gotta believe me. She isn't real, and you're about two seconds away from falling to your death.


zombie_pen March 20 2008, 01:34:25 UTC
But she's right there...

[turns back, still convinced that Madison's real, biting at his lip. He takes a step closer to the image, the ground visibly starting to crumble under his feet]


belligerency March 20 2008, 01:56:54 UTC
[That's it. Time for Dean to beat it to Sam and grab him before he falls, because he is /not/ letting Sam die here.]


zombie_pen March 20 2008, 03:02:30 UTC
[jerks back against Dean, reality setting in as the cliff falls in on itself, the spot where he was standing seconds ago now tumbling into the river]



belligerency March 20 2008, 03:07:45 UTC
[Panting in relief, pulling Sam further away from the edge] Christ. Shit. Damn.


zombie_pen March 20 2008, 20:33:32 UTC
[sags heavily against his brother, his heart racing in his chest as it dawns on him that he was seconds away from joining the rumble that now lay at the bottom of the river]

Fuck. What... what the hell was I doing?


belligerency March 20 2008, 22:42:13 UTC
[holding onto Sam for the time being, focusing on getting the hell away from the edge of the cliff]

Let's just get you away from here.


zombie_pen March 20 2008, 22:43:53 UTC
[nods shakily, looking forward to putting the jagged cliff edge behind him]

Yeah, sure. Let's do that.


belligerency March 20 2008, 22:57:07 UTC
[And so helping out with that]

It was a ghost.


zombie_pen March 20 2008, 22:59:15 UTC
... did you see her?

It was Madison, Dean. She.. she kept looking at me like I did it on purpose. Like I wanted to kill her.

[swallows a sob, fresh tears springing to his eyes as he did his best to blink them away]


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