♠ 023 - He left them all behind. ♠

Jun 19, 2008 00:29

[at first, Sam thought it was just his subconscious fucking with him, though it was certainly a different approach than usual. the dreams were haunting, visions of blood and death that really shouldn't have been that off the mark for him. and yet... they came to him in the daylight as well: a clan dying because of one man, the death of a close friend at his own hand, his mother losing it completely and trying to add him to the ever growing death toll. the strangest part was the fact that they didn't feel like dreams, but memories]


[he stops, surprised when first one tear, then a few more follow, staining his cheeks as he sits at the kitchen table. disbelief shines on his face as the tears just keep flowing, an overwhelming sense of grief accompanying the painful memories. his head feels like it's going to split apart as the images fill his mind, replaying over and over again, piercing screams ringing in his ears]

S-stop... I didn't ask for this. Take them back!

plot: memory swap, angstangstangst, inner demons, plot: empty child

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