♠ 017 - As your voice fades. ♠

May 04, 2008 09:28

[would be out at the park with Fay, a smile on his face as he tosses the Frisbee across the field. Fay chases after the discus, barking happily, her tail wagging a mile a minute. In the early morning air, there were birds chirping, the bubbling of the fountain, a pissed off squirrel chittering away at a chipmunk with its cheeks stuffed full of stolen acorns]

Bring it here, Fay!

[suddenly, the park went dead quiet. Fay was running back to him, barking and growling around the plastic in her mouth. But Sam couldn't hear a thing. It felt like someone had stuffed cotton in his ears, the world painfully silent around him. He looked around, eyes wide in panic. The fountain was still gurgling away, there were still plenty of birds singing in the trees, and yet...]

Damn it, Template!

marked!, sam can't hear you~, puppy!, damn you template, plot: handicap, wtf?, sam is not amused

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