Offensive and... musical?

Oct 08, 2010 18:57

I just watched Glee 2x03 "Grilled Cheesus" and was really offended. Apparently, according to that episode, no one is atheist (or agnostic) because it's something they've thought about and decide that that's what they think, but because they feel they've been wronged by god. Apparently, according to this episode, it's just not okay to be atheist. Apparently "you have to believe in something". Says who?

Personally, I believe there are multiple gods. Mostly because I've seen and heard about too much weirdness to ever think it's all random, but also because I just can't get behind the idea that there's only one god for all seven billion of us and that that god is all loving and all knowing. Too much bad stuff happens for me to ever believe that any higher power doesn't screw up sometimes and that everything that happens is supposed to happen that way. So, I believe there are multiple gods, who, like us, screw up sometimes, and even if they do have all the information, they sometimes don't make the right decisions. And I think sometimes, they're just downright bastards. I mean, come on, if you had that much power, really, wouldn't you be at least some of the time? Not all the time, but it's probably happened more than once.

But that's what I believe. Me. I could be, and maybe I am, wrong. But that's what I believe. And just because I believe it doesn't mean everyone else has to. It doesn't mean I'm going to go around chastising others just because they believe something different than I do, or if they just don't believe there's any higher power at all. That's their decision.
I was also more or less enraged by this episode because it was basically shoving Christianity down people's throats. I was really, really angry when *SPOILER*

Everyone got mad at Kurt for telling them not to pray for his father. It's his father, his problem and they were being overly pushy about something he'd already asked them not to do and they think they were right? People can do what they want in their own homes, but to shove it in someone's face like that? Especially when it's already a bad situation? Seriously not acceptable.

I am also just generally annoyed, and this doesn't really have anything to do with the show or the episode in question, it's just something that bothers me, when people claim they're of a certain religion and haven't ever thought about why that is. They haven't researched it, they don't know anything about it other than their parents and their parents' parents did that, so they do the same. Or they're just of a certain religion because that's what most people do. Basically, they say they're of a certain religion, but they don't really do anything in regard to that religion. But this isn't just Christians. I know a guy who claims to be Wiccan but doesn't actually do anything at all in regard to that other than wear a necklace and say that's his chosen religion, and when I asked him why he'd chosen that religion, he couldn't give me a single reason. Basically, he just picked it because it sounded cool and different, which... is a rant for another time. I think I've ranted enough for now.
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