Aug 29, 2007 12:08
Finally, some dreams worth a few minutes away from WoW to jot down.
I was a student in a class with only girls and there were two teachers. It was an intensive writing thing. The final was to write an essay convincing the teachers why you deserved to win some prize. I won (kind of unfairly, really, as I was the only adult in the class) and the two teachers revealed that they were in love with me. They fought over who got to sit with me at the prize banquet thing. I told the one that didn't get to sit with me that he'd be the first to have me later. It is fun to be fought over.
Dreamed there was this horrible plague in a small town on the edge of swampland. People were mutating into gelatinous fish monsters. Everyone died.
I was directing and starring in a murder mystery. The best scene was where two lovers were discovered by a jealous husband - they were using the unity candle from the woman's wedding to drip hot wax on her breasts (an especially cruel thing for the husband to walk in on) in a living room with a roaring fireplace, fur rug, sleek leather recliners, all very posh and easy on the eyes. She ends up throwing herself through a closed window to escape. The boyfriend is never found.