Revivals and resolutions

Jan 17, 2009 12:29

Hello LiveJournal!

It's been absolutely yonks since I made any kind of attempt at keeping this thing updated.  It was getting embarrassing looking through all my previous posts and promises of renewed I deleted them all.  A new year and a fresh start at LJ!  I know, I know, it's perhaps not the best of new years resolutions, but I do always enjoy having a good ramble now and again so why not?

Let's get the LJ ball rolling...

As I was on the subject of new years resolutions I guess that it's as good a place as any to start.  Mine this year are terribly sensible.  None of this climb-a-mountain, tame-a-lion, defeat-the-undefeatable-hordes-of-blind-nomads nonsense for me, oh no sir!  Mine consist of simple things...

1) Save as much money as possible

Although it is achievable for me to save quite a bit, it's incredibly unlikely!  You see, I like to spend.  I can't help it.  I just love to buy things.  It doesn't have to be things just for me (although that is, of course, never discouraged! I've already bought 2 DS games and some shiney new boots!), I also love going out, taking people out and treating them!  Especially my fella (no matter how much he complains about it!).  There is nothing I like better than a nice evening out together and we all know how expensive that can end up being, even when you are trying to be frugal.  There are just some things I can't, and don't want to, give up!  That leads me nicely to my next resolution....

2) Go out more.

I don't really go out that much.  Maybe twice a month at most.  It's always an issue of motivation, I'll be the first to admit that, at times, I am the least motivated person in the world.  Its the thought of things, the getting ready, the getting there and the getting home!  I'm lazy!  I shouldn't be, I love going out with my friends.  Once I'm there I generally have a good time. 
Really this resolution should be about motivation and enthusiasm...both of which I need more of!

3) Learn to drive.

Oh I don't want to!  I'm scared of it.  But people keep telling me I should and I guess that they are right.  I'm 23 and it's about time that I learnt.  Plus, it's really not fair of me to rely on Lawrence to ferry me around (and I know it annoys him sometimes).  I could do with the freedom as well, lord knows I hate having to get train (and the bus is even worse!).  It is a hinderance not knowing how.
The problem is resolution 2....motivation and enthusiasm...I don't have any!

4) Shape up.

I'm not going to say lose weight, I'm the right weight for my height, I'm just saying tone up.  At the moment I have zero muscle and muchos flab!  I just need to exercise more.
The plan was to go swimming once a week, but I don't know if that will happen now.  I'm reliant on Lawrence to get me there (plus I like his company) and he has just started a new job in London so won't be home on time to go anymore.  That does leave the weekends...but weekend equals kids.  I'm not really a fan of the swimming pool kids combination. 
In a strange way I guess this ties in with the 'learning to drive', if I learnt to drive I could take myself to the gym/pool!  Then again, if I learnt to drive I would be less likely to walk anywhere,  so that ties in with the motivation thing again! BUT, none of them help the saving of pennies! (Oh, I've confused myself!) I'll just try to do all of them and we'll see how it goes!

It'll be interesting to see if I manage any of those things by next year (or even if I remember to update this LJ!)


driving, new year, swimming, resolution, fitness, money, motivation

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