Mar 13, 2008 02:29

i went to fucking Nashville.
i did it.
Emberley, Mama Rosie, Chris Wells and I all drove down to Nashville at 3am on March 11. we got to our hotel in Nashville 8.5 hours later.
we never even hit traffic. construction, sure. but no traffic.
Rosie drove the first 3.5-ish hours, i drove the rest of the way (5 straight hours, with a stop or two for cigarettes [only 3.15 a pack! OMG] and stretching our legs]).
got to the hotel, found out we couldn't get into the hotel until 2pm (mind you it was 11:30 in the afternoon when we got there) so we went to Waffle House and got yummmmm food.
then our sleepy asses drove back to the hotel and danced around outside of the car (it was like 50 degrees and sunny. mmmmmm) to rap until two.
we also brushed our teeth and smoked a lot of cigarettes.
finally, we checked into our hotel, changed clothes and laid around. Emberley, Chris and I wanted to go swimming.
the pool was locked. we were sad.
showers for Emberley, Chris and I; naps for Chris and Rosie; phototakin-z for Emberley and I ensued.
finally, we got ready and left for the mall in Nashville and then went to The Muse.
we got to the venue at 5pm, two hours before the show even started because we wanted to surprise everyone. they were all really excited to see Mama Rosie, to meet Chris and, for the most part, to see Emberley and I again.

at one point, Daisy (he's a guy, btw) says to Chris and I (we were just standing next to each other or whatever) and goes "are you two in love?" and Chris goes "yep. she just doesn't know it yet" and grabs me around the waist. it was funny.

Rob Kleiner (tUB rING) was hungry.
we (the four of us) were hungry.
we heard a bunch of the boys were at some Mexican restaurant.
so we got in the car and got accosted by Geoff from Karate High School, Sky from Foxy Shazam and Daisy (<3) from Foxy Shazam.
it ended up that Daisy went with the four road-trippers and Rob, and we just walked over to the restaurant.
Rosie and Chris paid the bill and left early, leaving (OHMYGOD) Emberley and I with Daisy and Rob. that was amazing, btw. i love being a weird borderline fangirl. hah.

so, we all went back around 7:40pm to the Muse. the boys went around back, Em and I went and talked to Rosie in front of the club where she was talking to some chick from South Carolina who was really skanky, as was her friend. but I digress, LJ. Rosie told us that "we were on the list, so we're good." Emberley and I smiled at each other huge and laughed. we are loved.

Tub Ring's guest list was Em, me, Chris and Rosie. <3

so we chatted a bit, went in, got our guest-listin' on and chilled until KHS came on.
they were brilliant, as usual.
Foxy was OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG good, as usual.
and tUB rING was absolutely fabulous.
this was all despite the monitors not working and Kevin tripping over them because Rob got pissed and pushed them around.
Rob wore my purple sunglasses a bunch when they were playing. woo.

after the show, we hung around, got hit on by beautiful boys and then left to go back to the room because some of the Foxy boys were going to hang out with us after (Chris went with them, to ensure that they would get to the hotel).
we get to the hotel after getting lost in Nashville for twenty minutes, and the boys still aren't there.
when they finally show up, it winds up being just Sky, Joe and Daisy (with some dude that Joe's friends with) and then the four of us.
it was so fun.
Daisy laid on the bed with Emberley and I, showed us his TINY suitcase, used our shower, etc amazing.
Sky was the first to leave.
Joe wound up staying in our room on our floor between the beds. hah.
the other dude went back after he and Joe got Waffle House.
Daisy stayed till about 4:30am. i fell asleep while he was still there hahahaha.

before Daisy left, damn near immediately, i woke up. i think he might have woken me up, but i'm not sure. he gave me a hug and was like "i love you" to which i was like, "love you too Daisy"
the hug was not as good as i wanted it to be though, so i got up and gave him a normal person hug and i was satisfied. love dem boys.
so, i fell asleep. woke up at 10:30 to Joe leaving.
fell back asleep till 11am, then we all scrambled to get our shit together, and left.
did some errands, Rosie got a new phone, and then we got on the road.
i drove from NASHVILLE, TN to MONROE, MI. Rosie drove from Monroe to her place, about a half hour drive.
i didn't care though. i love driving.
i think it took about... 10 hours going back because we hit traffic a few times, stopped four times or so, and had lotsa construction to deal with. but i don't care. it was LOVELY.

plus we listened to tons of different music. <3

there will be many photos online from these two days.
we took some silly ones, and some even sillier videos.

<33 i am so glad that i did this. it was much needed.

full life update later. this is all i have the energy for.
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