Title: Halloween on the Hellmouth
mej_ljFandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Characters/Pairings: Original Characters
Word count: Ficlet
Rating/Contents: PG
For this prompt
http://zombie-fest.livejournal.com/29022.html?thread=232030#t232030 at
zombie-fest "What are you going as?" Jenny asked her friends.
"I don't know." Amanda replied. "My parents won't let me wear anything cool. I'm thirteen years old but they still treat me like a baby." Her two friends nodded in agreement and continued to pick through the costumes in Ethan's shop.
"I think I might wear by sister's old cheerleader costume." Katie said. "Amanda, your sister was a cheerleader. Is her uniform still around?"
The other two girls rolled their eyes. "Totally lame." Jenny said.
"Wait wait!" said Amanda. She held up a makeup kit with girl in zombie face on the package. "You know what would be cool?" The girls all looked at each other. "Zombie Cheerleaders!"
"Brrraiiins" Amanda moaned as they shambled along. She reached out and grabbed the leather coat tails of a man with bleached blond hair who was running in front of a pack of demons. "Brrraiiins?" Jenny asked.
"Oy! Let go of me yeh rotter!"
"Brrraiiins." Amanda replied sadly. She let go and they continued to shuffle slowly down the street. They turned a corner and saw a young man standing close by in the middle of the street. Amanda waved her pompoms at him vaguely. "Beee" she moaned. The other two took up the chant. "Arrrr. Aaaa."
The man leered at them. "Well look at you three, out here all by yourselves. You girls could get into trouble."
They kept coming at him. "Hey what's wrong with your faces?"
"Brrraiiins!" Amanda moaned triumphantly as she grabbed his arm. They all tumbled together into a pile and the
girls started gnawing on his head, as he shouted and tried to push them off. Suddenly all three girls stopped and sat up.
"Get off me you little freaks!" The young man jumped to his feet and started running down the street.
"What just happened?" Jenny asked.
"Someone slipped drugs into our candy!" Amanda said.
"We didn't eat any candy." Katie said. "I don't think..."
"It was DRUGS!" Amanda said firmly. "In our candy! Probably PCP." They started out for home. "And we don't need
to tell anybody about this. Ever!" The others nodded in agreement. "Let's just forget it ever happened."