The End is Nigh!

Jun 11, 2012 13:56

There's just a little under 2 weeks left until the deadline! That's 13 days to get your stories written, beta read, and emailed to zombificationmods@gmail.

If you're looking for a beta, drop a comment at this post here and hopefully someone will pick it up.

Make sure to check out the posting guidelines and tags page before your assigned date.

And to clarify the fest policy: once your fic is posted to this comm (or linked at this comm) you can go ahead and crosspost to whatever other communities you like. We just ask that when you post elsewhere you mention zombi_fic_ation and that your story was written for Zombie Fest 2012. The more we advertise the fest, the more people we might get to play next year!

"Now how's that for a slice of fried gold!"
"Yeah, boy!"


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