Title: Zombie Hunters, Assemble
ereshaiFandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Characters/Pairings: pre-Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
Length: 1963
Rating: T
Spoilers: none
Warnings: implied violence typical of the zombie genre
Prompt: 161 - Marvel Cinematic Universe -- Clint Barton/Phil Coulson -- Zombie apocalypse AU, Hawkeye, World's Greatest Marksman, is crossing the zombie-infested landscape of the former United States. He's looking for a group of people he's heard are trying to end the zombie apocalypse once and for all, and he wants to offer his services.
Summary: Clint has been traveling through the zombie-infested Midwest, alone except for his dog, Lucky.
Zombie Hunters, Assemble on AO3