Plants vs Zombies: War is a Cruel Mistress

Jul 05, 2012 23:52

Title: War is a Cruel Mistress
Author: linear_flower
Fandom: Plants vs. Zombies
Characters/Pairings: various plants and zombies
Length: 579
Rating: PG
Spoilers: For the entire game.
Warnings: n/a
Prompt: 367. Plants vs. Zombies - Any characters - A first-hand look at the endless struggle between the vegetable kingdom and the walking (or dolphin-riding, or pole-vaulting, or zamboni-driving) dead.
Summary: One lone plant's war diary.

Those zombies won't know what hit them, with the Army and the Navy attacking them.

round: 2012, fandom: plants vs. zombies, length: a0-1k, rating: open/g

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