Nov 19, 2009 21:55
I'm not even married to him and already she's monster-in-law.
BEYOND monster in law, psycho crazy fat ass dumb selfish bitch in law.
She uses his fucking money. She makes him take her to dinner ONLY WHEN IM IN TOWN to expensive restraunts. Makes him pay her bills. Pay for his brother's shit. Pay for other random shit whenever she feels like it. Uses his damn truck. Expects him to wait on her hand and foot.
I am all for a guy who loves his mommy, and treats her well but GODDAMNIT this is taking it too far.
and he's finally starting to realize all of this. i mean the boy has problems already, and i've been so patient and he's been working through them so well and has done alot of maturing the past couple months. He finally starts getting some money saved up, he's starting to have plans again, and goals. Actually showed me his "future house" that hes going to build etc etc, he's doing so well. Mother knows hes got a bit saved up, so what does she do? Take advantage of him and his niceness. He always feels like he has to help his family, which don't get me wrong, it's one of the qualities that I absolutely LOVE about him, but I cannot stand to see her do this to him.
He is so giving to the people he loves, would do ANYTHING for them, and she treats him like shit.
My baby didn't even get a birthday cake on his birthday from her. And maybe that's stupid, but to me that's like the most simple thing you can do for someone. I'm a big believer in birthday cakes, or cookies, or some sort of small sentiment to show you care and remembered. maybeeven a card? Instead she makes rude remarks about the presents I got him.
Tells him (to him, and a in front of me) how i SPOIL him, how he's so SPOILED, and blahblahblah. "First she makes you cookies, now cakes, and buys you lots of gifts, and visits you and i barely see him on weekends cause hes seeing you blahblahblahblah"
he's just...he's so sweet. and everyone knows i love giving gifts, and when i give him stuff he's just like...idk he's like a little kid and i know he truly appreciates it no matter what it is, and she doesnt get him a single thing. and then makes him take her out to dinenr to an expensive restraunt, she ordres an expensive plate, with expensive wine and makes him pay for all of it. and then bitches at him because she says he doesnt know how to be affectionate with me.
but ohhhh he does. he just doesnt in front of you, mother dearest because you would flip out in a rage of jealousy and probably throw that wine all over me.
he holds my hand all the time, puts his arm around me, is always rubbing my back or kissing my cheek or hugging me, he's always being sweet. STFU WOMAN I CANT STAND YOU!!!!!!
I swear to god the woman's gonna drive me to drink.
I have done nothing but be the perfect girlfriend both to him and to mother dearest. She likes me alright (or so she acts) and even calls me her daughter, and although I cringe hearing that as I could never ever in a million years ever be related to her no matter WHAT (marriage doesn't count, and besides he ain't put a ring on it...and won't for awhile!!!) I just can't see how HE is her son. Triple quadruple WTF.
Oh and she sprayed me with a water bottle one morning. WHen she said I needed to get out of bed. I was awake! I was just lying there in his bed, waiting for him to be done showering and dressed so I could take my turn and here she comes squirting me with that damn thing. Oh I bit my tongue so bad right then, I swear it nearly started bleeding. THank GOD for that blanket I put on my head otherwise she would have seen those gnarly deathglares I was sending her way.
All i wanted for this weekend was to spend a little bit of time with my honey. Is that such a crime?! We don't see each other all that often, and since he's always working and out of town I'm the one usually visiting him, so it's always so nice to have him at my house, and we get to do different stuff and it's always just US cause up there, we go out with friends WHICH IS GREAT I LOVE THEM, but just us time is so so soooo very nice.
I need to bake something to relieve some stress.